Dwight Peck's personal website
Summer 2014
A photographic record of whatever leapt out at us
With retirement finally gaining a good solid grip, it's time to relax and watch life go by.
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Neighborhood walks in the late spring

Well settled into the Swiss village of Ollon, near Aigle, and with Kristin out of the country off and on during the spring, we're exploring the neighborhood. [Click on the photos to proceed.]

Antagnes, our closest neighbor, 16 March 2014 |

Straight up the hill to Panex, 21 March 2014 |

Views of the River Rhône and Villeneuve |

Aigle and its château |

Back to Panex and on to Plambuit, mid-May 2014 |

Hike up the Vallon de Nant, 2 June |
A week in Bologna, late May 2014

Beautiful downtown Bologna |

More scenes of Bologna |

A day trip to Modena |

And a last few days in Bologna |
Hikes with Cathy and Oscar near Grindelwald, early June 2014

First, scenes of Gsteig on the way to the venue |

Hikes from Bachalpsee with Oscar and Cathy |

Inside the Rosenlaui Glacier Gorge |

Kleine Scheidegg and the Eiger Nordwand |
Early summer hikes

Ensex and the Col de Bretaye, 22 June 2014 |

Mont d'Or & the Pierre du Moëllé, 29 June 2014 |

The hamlet of Villy, just next door, 3 July 2014 |

The Sentier du Sel near Panex, 13 July 2014 |
The Wisconsin Northwoods and a road trip,
late July to mid-September 2014

Back on the lake, late July 2014 |

Wetland study tour to the Penokee Hills |

The Bad River Slough on the Chippewa reservation |

William at the Wildwood zoo, 22 August 2014 |

A rich variety of watercraft, late August 2014 |

Last days on the lake, early September 2014 |

Road trip: Starved Rock, Ill., Cincinnati . . . |

. . . and northeastern Pennsylvania, 17-19 September |
And back to Switzerland

The alpage of Le Richard above Nant, 4 October 2014 |

A hike above the Col de la Croix, 8 October 2014 |

Back to the Tour de Famelon near Leysin, 17 October |

Ramsar veterans at Signal de Bougy, 18 October |
What's next?
A few days in Aosta, Italy, and a hike in the Valpelline, late October. Then, after Kristin's semi-annual book sale at the Geneva "Library in English", we're off for a few weeks in late November in Lucca, with side trips and short stays in Asti and Alba whilst going and coming back. We haven't planned any further ahead than that yet, because . . . well, you know.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 6 November 2014.