Dwight Peck's personal website
A visit to the USA, summer 2014
More annual lakeside fun in the Northwoods
Summer on the lake in Wisconsin
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

A welcome change on the dock. The car-dealership size US flag has been replaced by popular demand.

We're joining Kristin here on 16 July; everything looks still to be in working order

The north end of the lake, from the boathouse

Ducks on patrol

Gardens blooming all round the point

First things first: our cosy little work station all reassembled

The canal to the next lake over, dry last year -- the lake level is at least half a meter higher this year.

Spooky memorials still in place on the far side of the lake
The Penokee Hills and Bad River Slough

17 July 2014: our excursion with the Wisconsin Wetlands Association to learn more about the catastrophic strip mining proposals for the Penokee Hills watershed . . .

and, the next day, a guided tour of the Bad River Slough, part of the reservation of the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa tribe, led by Mike Wiggins, Jr (right), the tribal chairman. That's all here.

Friend David is visiting from Madison

A walk along the Bearskin Trail, a disused lumber company railway line through the swamps and creeks . . .

. . . pretty much in a straight line.

The Bearskin Creek

David and nature

We're on our way to a concert. Our transportation is arriving.

10 August: our concert is down the lake a ways.

Luckily the weather is cooperating. The power of prayer.

A small trio from Florida on a summer tour farther north

The younger generation

Oscar and Cathy, nicely recovered from our adventures in Grindelwald

Time to go home

Another cold and stormy day

It was the summer of cold and stormy days

Lazy ducks

The Purple Loosestrife Patrol -- a multi-day circuit of the entire lakeshore in search of the alien invasive weed

And it's a pretty big lake

Rob is relentless. Since a massive effort some years ago, there are only a few new shoreside loosestrife revivals each summer.

Lazy turtles

An eagle on the main island

Lazy eagle

That's the adult eagles' favorite lookout tree, year after year.

Vigilant, or just lazy

Eagle on the move

Solo loosestrife patrol on another of the little islands

Kristin and her mom on a purple loosestrife removal mission . . .

. . . subsequently joined by some of Kristin's siblings

We're running errands in Wausau, Wisconsin, 18 August, on our way to fetch Marlowe and her entourage at the airport in Appleton.

Church of the Resurrection in Wausau

Shadow Lake in Waupaca, on the way to the Appleton airport. Marlowe just called to say that United Airlines decided not to trouble themselves today with their Chicago to Appleton flight; maybe tomorrow.

Sea level rise in the middle of Wisconsin

A very nice and moderately priced La Quinta suite in Appleton, Wisconsin. Perhaps United will resume services tomorrow morning.

The bustling Appleton airport

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 1 November 2014.