Dwight Peck's personal website
in the hot and overworked world of Peck
the end of a Republican winter (Peck in T-shirt, left),
when aging hikers were still bouncing a bit painfully about in the mountains,
working hard in Valencia, and snowshoeing with friends all over the Jura shop
floor, Mr D. Peck began to notice that matters were hotting up sooner than normal.
(View the Winter 2002-3 pageant here.)
prescience borne out by the Swiss Meteo, which recorded the hottest average May
EVER, the hottest average June, the hottest average July, and -- maddeningly --
the hottest average August, peaking at 107°F
(41.5°C), Switzerland's all-time
record, and that was IN
THE ALPS! (many thanks for that you SUV owners).
we muddled through. Here is a brief record of the
summer 2003 highlights in Peckville and the Valley of Peck. You
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go. 
Mr Peck
began Summer 2003 a bit early by sauntering off in April to visit Kristin
in the USA in her disused church in Brookline (Boston), Mass., dropping down
to verify that the art museums in New York City were still in working order, and
darting across to ascertain whether 3rd daughter Marlowe and her mom were still
eating pizzas in the accustomed fashion near Philadelphia.
T. Peck's visit to Switzerland, June 2003 
In June
2003, Ms Marlowe Tyson Peck, newly graduated from high school in the USA, revisited
the country of her birth and early years and played computer games (above) and
visited castles, abbeys, and small historic cities in Switzerland, and then went
to Canada to go shopping for a new apartment for herself and her friend Dmitri
before starting Carleton University in the fall semester.
visit to Switzerland, June-July 2003 
In mid-June Kristin crossed the Pond from Boston for a month
in the old country, with lots of local sightseeing, long-weekend journeys to Austria,
Italy, and nearby venues in the Confederation of Helvetica, and a considerable
number of cheese specialties in the local restaurants.

birthday and the Swiss National Day, 1 August 2003,
in the mountains of Valais.

Glacier, August 2003
visit, September-October 2003 
and the Old Dad on Mont Tendre, part of an action-packed week and a half. Visit
to Devon and Cornwall, October 2003 
and Dwight visit friends and trot along the rainswept coasts of Devon and Cornwall.
with that -- summer's officially over -- Let Winter
2003-2004 begin. First of all, with snow. Yes? Good idea. Lots of snow to get
the winter off to a splendid start. Are you ready, snow? Snow? Where are you,
have to come back to this later. Feedback
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative,
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 22 November 2003, revised 31 January
2008, 14 May 2013.