Dwight Peck's personal website
Summer 2001 -- the year of the MOOSA
hols have come along again, Thanks Bog. If our friends in Boston, in these boom
years of the greatest US economic expansion the world has ever seen
note], still refuse to come to
visit us in Europe, well then, we'll have to go to Boston. Once
in Boston . . . what? Films, friends, pubs, museums, etc., and very relaxing barbecues
in Framingham, and then . . . what? Well, it's off to the White Mountains again,
to hike our little butts off, and after that -- THE MOOSA
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

To start off the summer,
querulous Dr Peck stands alongside Ms. L. Durham atop the Roman amphitheatre in
Arles, southern France, during a visit by staff of the secretariat of the Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands in June 2001. The entire Ramsar expedition to the Camargue
can be seen here, including the flamingos and the bull sausages --
in this scene, Mr Peck is preparing himself mentally for the MOOSA
Tour, and Ms L. Durham is preparing herself for lunch.

Then it's off with Sir Charles for a few days in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA. We're sort of near the top
of the Huntington headwall at this point. Arteries long unused through a grim
winter are opening up again to full capacity, or full diminished capacity, and
many many different religions are passing through one's head all vying for equal
attention. But, frankly, at this point there's no real way to distinguish between
them. Possibly there never is.

puttered about for a few days on Mt Washington in New Hampshire, USA, the country
of his birth, for which he holds no regrets, well not too many, Mr Peck joined
Professor Berman on a weeklong bicycling tour from Rangely, Maine, through the
mountains and down onto the St. Lawrence River to Québec, and a pleasant tour
of the city with cycling friends, and some more 110km rides in the hills north
of the city. A brief report.

Our friends in Boston refused steadfastly
to come to Europe, but then fed us really well in Framingham, Mass. So we'll call
it even for this year.

Summer hols 2001
have come and gone. Mr Peck's number 3 daughter Marlowe comes to Europe anyway,
and we sojourn northwards to Bonn, Germany, to number 1 daughter Alison's place
of work -- the Max Planck Institut für Radio-Astronomie in Bonn and, much more
fun, the largest single steerable radio telescope in the world, at nearby Effelsberg.

To end the summer of 2001 in some style, hiking visits to the Swiss Jura from both Marlowe (above) and Alison. To be seen here.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative,
. All
rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 7 July 2008, revised 31 August 2014.