Dwight Peck's personal website
wintry fun in the country the neo-cons have so far overlooked
snow and fairly dense fog in Switzerland
winter of 2003-4 went by fast -- working quite hard when necessary, harming no
one, and getting out to play about in the foggy rain and snow whenever we won't
be missed.
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

2003 ended on a chilly, rainy note in October, as Kristin and hangers-on spent
a week viewing the Devon and Cornwall coast path from nearby.
Autumn 2003: La Dôle with André Durham (left), Chalet à Roch Dessus with Lisa Durham, Mont
Tendre with Joe Pirri, and Mont de Bière Devant with the same gentleman (right)
Merry Yuletide Season, ho ho ho

visit for the Christmas season, punctuated by amusing, pleasant mishaps

Snowshoe hikes, 23-26 December, oysters and lichees |

Snowshoe hikes, 27-30 December 2003 |

More hikes, 1-2 January 2004 |

Forest of Grande Rolat, 3-4 January 2004 |

Christmas season hiking in the forest of Grande Rolat, 27 December 2003
another cautionary year, comes to an end, along with about 12,000 innocent Iraqi
citizens and the US economy for the next generation. But now we're all looking
forward to 2004 and hoping for the best.

healthy mountain air in early 2004



Mont de Bière Devant, December & January
Drs Pirri and Durham on the Plateforme, 25 Jan.
Peck, Noirmont in storm, 8 February
Mid-February hikes


Miscellaneous mid-winter hikes, February 2004 |
The Glacière de Saint-George, 29 February |
The Grande Baume du Pré d'Aubonne, 6 March |
Pirri, M. de Bière Devant bis, 7 March |
Photos of the farm of Joux de Bière, 13 March 2004 |
Uncertain weather on Grand Cunay, 14 March |
Pirri, Crêt de Mondisé, 28 March 2004 |
Journey to Les Echadex, 9 April 2004 |

Pirri and Peck in perpetual merriment, winter 2003-2004
air, but not much sun this winter, well, never mind


Two trips to Crêt
de la Neuve, April
The Glacière de St-Livres, 11 April
Pré de St-Livres, 12 April
Chamois near La Dôle, 24 April

Les Paccots and Grevalla-Dessus, 18 April: Joe
and Kristin lead an exploratory expedition up into mid-April slush and mud.

Searching for the source of the river Doubs, and the Château du Joux, 23 April 2004

explores limestone holes in the forest floor, Petit Cunay, 25 April 2004.
been a wonderful spring here in Switzerland, with breezy sunny days at 15-18 degrees,
and now we're getting in shape for the summer. It looks like the Olympic Peninsula
in the state of Washington, USA, gets the nod for our summer hols this year, unless
Ashcroft's trolls intervene.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 29 May 2004, revised 6 February 2014.