Dwight Peck's personal website
Neighbors of Ollon, Switzerland
Switzerland. We've just moved in, and it's time to get out and scope out the neighborhood.
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
A walk to Antagnes, 16 March 2014

We're leaving beautiful downtown Ollon and following a signposted track up through the vineyards to the south.

Ollon receding

The village of St-Triphon (also a part of the commune of Ollon), a medieval hilltop installation with its probably 13th century tower and, on the far side of the hill, a working black marble quarry dating from nearly the same period.

The back road to Antagnes from Ollon

Antagnes is a tiny hamlet of Ollon commune, about 3 kilometres to the south of Ollon village itself at roughly 600m altitude.

With the Dents de Morcles hovering

The Ruelle du Four à Pains on the northern end of town

Street scenes

Leysin's Prafandaz meadows in the distance, already pretty much snowfree in mid-March. Tell that to Senator Inhofe.

Antagnes street scenes

One little road up towards Villars, another down towards Bex

We'll explore the lower road first.

The famous salt mines of Bex, in continuous use since the late 15th century, are in the middle distance.

The end of town. We'll go back up.

The village school

Street scenes

The steps up into the loft

We're being watched. (NSA)

Back to the Ruelle du Four à Pain, and that's probably the bread oven itself.

A different way home -- down the Sentier des Arnoux path to lower Ollon

Back up into Ollon proper

And home.

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 9 April 2014.