Dwight Peck's personal website
One of the best yet (but we always say that)
2008 is a COP year, every third year, for our sins, so we can't go away anywhere terribly exotic for restful weeks on the beach with green icy drinks with umbrellas stuck in them. We'll mainly do weekends here instead.
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Kristin's visit in May 2008
The Standing Committee's coming on 2 June, so we're making the best of the little time we've got.
Chamois hunting on the Dôle (left), Kristin, Joe, and Teny outracing a hailstorm (right)
(Click on the pictures to proceed.)
Back to Rome -- the shoulder-to-shoulder Vatican Museum (left), Kristin at St Pudenda's house (right)
The Château de Joux (left), Kristin in the military museum (right)
Some intersessional hiking till Kristin's next visit
Dwight lost on Mont Tendre
Joe lost in the Creux d'Enfer near Cunay

A whole new IUCN building going up just outside our window, another year of headbanging noise still to come
Kristin's visit in August 2008
A long weekend at the wonderful Pension Sonnenberg a half-hour schlep above Mürren in the Bernese Oberland
A long hike to Rotstockhütte
The "Mountain View Trail" hike, with Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau

A little late summer snow, or early winter snow, at the first of October. This is a supplementary page of odds and ends throughout the summer of 2008.
What's next?
Nobody knows. Like everyone else, we're waiting to see whether the Bush/Cheney team will retire gracefully to the inevitable prosecutions when their term is up or invoke the Yahoo Götterdammerung and take everyone down with them. We have the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Ramsar Contracting Parties in Changwon, South Korea, at the end of October and early November, which wipes the calendar clean of everything before that time, but Kristin will be passing back this way in November -- Party On.

So, day after tomorrow, off we go for two weeks to Changwon, checking out the kimchi, and by the time we get home, autumn will be well advanced, Kristin will be coming over to join us for a couple of weeks of reflection and convalescence in the south of France, and after that -- maybe -- the snow will come for real.

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative,
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 8 September 2008, revised 24 December 2013.