Dwight Peck's personal website

Winter 2023-2024

A photographic record of whatever leapt out at us

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Click on the photos to proceed

Coming off an intangibly rewarding summer on hydrobikes and pontoon boats in northern Wisconsin . . .

. . . our winter of 2023-2024 is now officially underway, beginning with . . .

A dash for home in Virginia, late September 2023

Late September in Staunton: unpacking, some errands, some hiking, and . . .

. . . a visit from friend Kim, who'll kindly be catsitting for
Melvin & Choupette for a few weeks.

Then a visit to Italy, October 2023

Settling in at Castel Gandolfo, overlooking Lago Albano south of Rome, 11 October 2023

A tour of the Papal Palace and gardens in Castel Gandolfo,
13 October 2023

The nearby Lago di Nemi and its picturesque village,
14 October 2023

Into Rome for a visit to the Mercantino del Borghetto Flaminio street market, 15 October 2023

Very brief visits to Castel Gandolfo's nearest neighbors,
16-19 October 2023

An awkward road trip to Palestrina,
20 October 2023

Last days in Castel Gandolfo,
21-24 October 2023

Naples: new accommodations next to the Castel dell'Ovo,
25 October 2023

The Museo di Capodimonte,
27 October 2023

Neapolitan street scenes, with a big Dominican church,
same day

The Galleria d'Italie-Napoli and the Castel Sant'Elmo,
28 October 2023

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples,
part 1, 29 October 2023

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples,
part 2, same day

Neapolitan walkabout, 1: Spanish Quarter, Sant'Anna
dei Lombardi, Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo

The A-Team in the St Clara Cloisters, and a ramble
through the Duomo di Napoli, 30 October 2023

Pio Monte della Misericordia, Basilica di San Lorenzo
Maggiore, & the train for home, 31 October 2023


Back in the USA, November 2023

Some forest walks near Staunton,
mid-November 2023

Walks round Alexandria's Old Town and Waterfront,
23-24 November 2024

The National Gallery of Arts in Washington, D.C.,
25 November 2023

The Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve and a look round Historic Occoquan, 26 November 2023

Scenes from some winter walks near Staunton,
Virginia, early December 2023

Back to Wisconsin for a special party and a wintry
reconnoitre, late December 2023

Grey days in the Northwoods, and a snowless walk along the shoreline, 23-24 December 2003

Last days on the lake, and learning the 'How Big Is Baby' game. And Manitowoc, 25-31 December 2023

Back in Virginia: The Lake Sherando 'cliff trail',
in reverse, 11 January 2024

A mid-February visit enlivening the long, slow advent of spring '24 in western Virginia

Views of a couple of foresty walks in early April 2024

An expedition to the Fern Gulley with our new camera

Another architectural wander round Staunton: the Gospel Hill District, 23 April 2024

A few last foresty walks before heading out to the Great Midwest, late April 2024

A few more last foresty walks before heading out to the Great Midwest, May 2024

The annual road trip, 26-30 May 2024, and views of Gaylord, Michigan

Much more to follow, if our luck holds
a little longer

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 1 December 2023, last modified 10 June 2024.

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