Dwight Peck's personal website
Neighbors of Ollon
Views of Panex and Plambuit, 2014
Newly installed in Ollon near Aigle, Switzerland, we're getting acquainted with the neighborhood.
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

The village school in Panex (920m altitude), 12 May 2014. The walking path up from Ollon in the valley is shown here -- today we've got the car.

From the school, entering town at the post office

Up through town -- today's plan is to walk up the woodland path to Les Ecovets (but no luck).

The Café Restaurant de Panex

The path above Panex to Les Ecovets, a sea of mud. We'll take a mud check and come back another day.

Instead, we're walking up the farm road towards the village of Plambuit -- looking out for World War Two anti-aircraft emplacements presently flying a pirate's flag . . .

. . . and nicely converted into a picnic spot.

The town of Aigle in the Rhône valley

The road to Plambuit

The village of Leysin on the next mountain over

A fixer-upper

Happy to back out in The Nature

The anti-aircraft picnic spot

Called Au Boum Coeur. ('Quand notre coeur fait Boum!')

Back to downtown Panex

Views of Plambuit, 18 May 2014

Back up past the café-restaurant de Panex, on a far nicer day

Kristin's with us today.

On the Plambuit road at 1005m

Leysin in the distance

Leysin zoomed, hiding behind the Gumball (La Boule de Gomme); La Riondaz and La Berneuse loom above in the centre and the Leysin Tours up to the right.

The road to Plambuit at about 1080m

Aigle in the Rhône valley, and the French Savoie Alps behind

Leysin from a different angle, with Tour d'Aï and Tour de Mayen still in snow, and the Tour de Famelon poking up on the far right (7km from Leysin village)

From the left: the Bois de Prafandaz, La Riondaz, La Berneuse with the Kuklos turning restaurant, Tour d'Aï, Tour de Mayen, and the lower Plan de Mayen

Plambuit coming up, with Mont d'Or and Pic Chaussy at the head of the Ormont valley

Entering Plambuit village

La Chamossaire (2112m) overhead, with ski facilities down the far side towards Bretaye and Villars-sur-Ollon

Plambuit street scene (1123m). Over the rise, the road descends through open pastures of the Fond de Plambuit to a small track down the forest into the ravine of the Torrent du Dard and the Aigle-Diablerets rail line (843m), then down to the ancient bridge the Pont de la Tine over the Grande Eau (806m), and thence, for the ambitious, up paths to Leysin (1250-1480m) on the far side of the valley of Ormont-dessous.

La Chamossaire

No menu shall be left unconsulted.

The Restaurant de Plambuit (1120m)

Menu fixed in memory

Arrivederci, Plambuit

Leysin again

And back to Panex

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 24 July 2014.