Dwight Peck's personal website
Peck goes to [Mt] Washington
northern-hemisphere summer 2000, Mr Peck, vexed at months of staring at his computer
screen and bouncing up and down on his chair, launched upon an extended play/work
sojourn in the nation which he deeply appreciates for some things. What ensued
was a very fine bad-weathery week in New Hampshire with friends Charlie and Lisa,
a week reporting on the Millennium Wetlands Event in Québec City, and a few more
pretty awkward weeks in northern Wisconsin.
may not find this interesting unless you're included here, so this is a good time
for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the
sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Mt Washington, New Hampshire

Lisa setting out on the Boott Spur trail, 31 July 2000

The Presidential
Range, in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: A wet late return from the Boott
Spur Trail -- Charlie and Lisa display mud.

of us descended through all the rough bits turned the wrong way round?

day, the Ammonoosuc waterfall trail on the west side of Mt Washington, Lisa and
Charlie, on a day that would soon decline, weatherwise. (Despite it being Lisa's birthday, and the Swiss National Day.)

mud on the Ammonoosuc trail. It's 1 August
2000 (Lisa's birthday and the Swiss National Day).

and Lisa on the Ammonoosuc trail in drizzly rain, marching up past the waterfalls
hoping to see the sun somewhere near the top

waterfalls, Lisa and Dwight still anticipating sunlight somewhere above, or if
not sunlight, at least soup.

for soup

some coaxing and instruction from Prof Berman, Lisa continues upward through rainy
rocks towards the Lake of the Clouds hut, and sunlight, and hot soup.
alas, on that day, soup there was in abundance, but sunlight there was none. At
Lake of the Clouds hut, the summit was closed off by storms, and Sir Charles descended
the waterfalls to fetch the car, whilst the other participants braved the storm
along the "Wuthering Heights" [Lisa's contribution] Mt Washington ridgeline
southward for an only slightly gentler return to earth and car.

Scurrying off the Presidential Range bedraggledly

day, back on Boott Spur, heading towards Mt Washington this time, Prof
Berman wields an orange.
Spur is off there in the clouds up to the right, Mt Washington is much more upper
and righter than that is. 2 August 2000.

Mr Peck
seeks energy from a large number of sandwiches whilst avoiding the view of Mt
Washington up to the right. The Tuckerman Ravine headwall is just barely visible
through mist off his left shoulder (i.e., to your right), but that was Thursday's
hike, not reported here.

Boott Spur and Mt Washington, Señor Berman follows the cairn markers in fairly
poor visibility.

A long way still to go to the top

Washington summit facilities, 2 August 2000

Charles descending towards Tuckerman's Ravine
Presidential Range in one go (uhh, not)

earlier discussions with the doubtful park rangers, Mr Peck explained that some
time ago he and Sherman Wilson had run all 10 peaks of the
Presidential Range, in a snowstorm, in under 10 hours, so he reckoned that
this would be a doable route. The Savvy Ranger looked at Mr Peck and asked "How
long ago was that?" (it was 15 years ago. Ooooh, ominous).

Sir Charles
stands atop Mt Madison in really very poor weather, the first stage in an ambitious
route covering half the Presidential Range. 3 August 2000.

As the
weather declines still further, exuberant Mr Peck is still
planning to show the park ranger how wrong park rangers can be.
along behind Prof. Berman in the year 2000, reaching Mt Madison from the Appalachia
trailhead near Randolph took 3:28 hours -- in 1986, gasping along behind Sherman
Wilson, reaching Mt Madison took 1:49. Let that be a lesson to us all about growing
older in an unsedated manner.

Charles leading off Mt Mansfield in the general direction of Mt Washington

way behind schedule

your park rangers. Mr Berman and Mr Peck reached their abort-point with Mt Washington still
gleaming way off in the late afternoon sun, and chose to descend as speedily as
possible via . . . Six Husbands Trail. Bad choice,
abandoned trail! Artificial aids through the cliffs had been left to dangle some
years ago, and the lads were lucky to find an underground route through the rocks which emerged
at the base of the cliffs, to obvious relief .
in New Hampshire drawing to a close
The Crowes'
Nest is the name of the B&B at which these comfort-seeking travelers
always sojourn in Jackson Village, New Hampshire. Owned and operated by Myles
and Christine Crowe, two of the friendliest people in New England, the Crowe's
Nest can be recommended to all vacationers in the White Mountains who don't require
jacuzzis, lounge-rooms with dancers, and well-stocked mini-bars in the rooms,
but who do value great views, friendly and helpful hosts, low prices, and mountains
nearby. www.crowesnest.net [Sorry, this seems to be gone now (2008).] |


and Dwight preparing to depart the Crowes' Nest, Lisa on a Greyhound Bus to Manchester
to fly off to Florida, Dwight to get driven by motorcar (by the
accommodating Mr Berman) to Montreal (in Canada) (to the north), whence by train
he arrives in Québec City [back to work!] for the . . . |
2000 Millennium Wetland Event

Frontenac. So we're in Québec then. Let's get to work.

from holidays in the USA, Mr Peck takes a break in Canada to admire the Slovenian

before the Ramsar Exhibit, we're flanked by Tobias Salathé, Ramsar's
Senior Regional Advisor for Europe, and Nick Davidson, Ramsar's
Deputy Secretary General.

Ramsar Exhibit at Québec 2000 became a gathering point for the more internationally-oriented
among the 2000 wetland scientists present.

Here are Tobias (Switzerland), Karén (Armenia), Gordana
(Slovenia), Dwight, and Paul (head of Uganda's wetlands programme).

And at
the conclusion of the Millennium Wetland Event, we take great pleasure in trashing
all the solemn policy documents that were left over and . . .

. . . head for the pub.

A lovely walk down by the riverside

A church for sale. Just like Kristin's house. Putting religion to a good use.
And then we went to Wisconsin,
better that we had not done so.

Visiting a former girlfriend
in northern Wisconsin, Mr Peck and his daughter Marlowe encountered stunning wetlands
and he made a photo essay for the Ramsar website showing all this stuff at its

Peck leaves his borrowed mountain bike and and grimaces for the camera.

Ms Marlowe
Peck, in Wisconsin, 2000
Peck filling up a plastic kayak, wishing that they'd made the middle parts a little

Peck advertising sports products

in the stupid kayak, and feeling really depressed about everything, not least
about how it's going to feel trying to get back out of it again. More than a thousand
90%-healed old injuries from falls and tumbles in the past are crying out "Don't
move us! Let us just stay here."

The girlfriend
thing didn't work out at all!
Maybe it never does.
ready for Holidays 2001 (More Mt Washington, will this never end? and a bicycling
rally from Maine, USA, through Québec, Canada -- the MOOSA Tour!!).

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
Posted 25 March 2001, rearranged 27 June 2005, revised 19 October 2008, 31 August 2014.