Ten Mile StareDwight Peck's personal website


Faces -- and the study of faces, revealing the deepest secrets of character and moral history and, probably, diet -- the study of people's faces changing over time leads one into all sorts of back alleys of the human pageant. In some cases, the study of human faces also reveals hints of more than a few sad barroom incidents and a couple of mountain "endos" (i.e., end over end) into the bargain.

Since this is Peck's own personal website, guess whose physiognomy we're mostly going to study today.

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Taken sometime in that vague and numinous period between the deaths of Yamamoto and Hitler and the rise to fame of Sid Caesar and Ed Sullivan, when Joe McCarthy was laying down the terms of future political discourse in America, all the kids spent 10 minutes a day huddled under their desks pretending to be learning how to survive nuclear attacks, and Adlai Stevenson was sent packing for being an "egghead".

This is not Peck, this is a surrogate, a Pascack Indian with his name on it.

As a young Dad (with pre-astrophysicist Alison), 1966

Mr Peck freshly shorn in Kansas, 1966-1967 (Left)

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Recovering from the USA nicely, Mr Peck puffs a pipe and views hiking maps with Professor Charles Berman (right), Col des Mosses, Switzerland, 1979. Nice spot -- better coffee, fewer Republicans; let's hang out here for a while.

Viewing the Castle of Chillon, 1979

The unfocused narrator (right) with Cathy, Charlie, and Nicole in Hermance, 1979

First adventures in the Leysin mountains -- Sur les Truex, 1979-1980. In jeans

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Academic Dean complete with tie on (left) and the whole regalia thing at ACS graduation, 1979 or 1980

Playing go with Pierre, Alexandra House, 1979

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(Left) Renaissance scholar Peck hard at his studies (Picsou = Uncle Scrooge). Right: Trying to get oriented in Switzerland, 1980

The New Hotel in Houmt Souk, Isle of Djerba, Tunisia, 1981

End of a winter camping trip, Château d'Oex, February 1982

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Still another lesson well learnt: Many broken bones from a little slip near Sustenpass, 1982

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Orkney ferry, 1983

At Lac d'Hongrin, 1983

With friend Marlowe Peck, early 1985, après ski

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Another summit in the préalps, winter 1986

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Festooned by Marlowe Tyson Peck, Chalet Pollux, 1990 (photo by Michèle)

Watching Bugs Bunny on télé with Marlowe, Chalet Pollux, 1991

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The other end of the physiognomy, whilst headed uphill behind Famelon, 1991 (Photo by Marta)

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Mont d'Or with friend Marta, February 1991, halfway up

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Here's a physiognomy much much nicer than Mr Peck's. Michele [right], Swiss Préalps, 1991

Somewhere above Leysin, 1992 (photo by Marta)

Looking for a pub after the rainy Morat-Fribourg marathon, with Carmen and Lisa, 1991 or 1992

Physiognomy, Part two

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Who could deny this little nerd anything he asks for? (A lot of time has passed, and we're still waiting for an answer.)

Some of the many ravages and disfigurements of time upon that cherubic face have been revealed above, but now we push our luck past 1991. Into the unknown.

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Kind Papa leading young Marlowe up for some snowcaving practice, 1992

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With Michele, 1992

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Mr Peck newly clean-shaven for job hunting purposes, on Pic Chaussy with L. Durham, 1992

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Both of them seriously out of employment in 1992, Mr Peck and his favorite neighbor/boarder Carmen hiked most of the Vaudoise mountains in summer and autumn of 1992.

Unease in the Alps, 1992

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Unease in Geneva, 1994

With Marlowe Peck on top of Mount Mansfield, Vermont, USA, in 1994

Drinking water hastily in Ohio, USA, after a run with nephew Adrian Lime; young Marlowe Tyson Peck still in pajamas. Summer 1994

With daughter Alison at the Trient Glacier, 1994

Marlowe, Alison, and Dad visiting Kristin in Wisconsin, summer 1996

Visiting Alice R. Peck in Ohio, USA, August 1996

The High Route in the Swiss Alps, 1997

Kancamagus highway, New Hampshire, USA, 1998

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Lost in Wisconsin (again), 2000

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Eating chocolate in the Jura mountains, 2001

Rapporteur for the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands, December 2001

Chilly on Mont de Bière, January 2003

Smug in the Pré-Alps, April 2003

With Marlowe in Pennsylvania, USA, April 2003

At Durnstein castle near Vienna, in a T-shirt from the rummage sale, with Kristin, July 2003

Vienna, 2003 (photo by Elke)

Viewing the Grottes of Naye, September 2003

Alison's visit, October 2003

2004 / 1986 (how time flies)

With Joe Pirri, Mont de Bière Devant, March 2004: perpetual merriment

Environmental conservation issues, with Denis, Wendy, Amalia, and Sandra, 2004

Marlowe and the Old Dad, December 2004

In swaddling clothes, April 2005

Querulous near Engstligenalp, August 2005 (photo by Kristin)

Vermont, 2006

Contemplative, late November 2006, with the Cornettes de Bise on the horizon

December 2006, Grotte à Chenuz (photo by Dr Pirri)

Pointe de Poêle Chaud, March 2007, with fellow hiker Christine

In Wisconsin to get married, 2009, with daughter Marlowe

Photo by Alison, October 2009

Hard at work, Kobuleti, Georgia, May 2010

Grandpa, with Marlowe and Young Will, July 2011

(-- Look'ee there!) Altamura, Apulia, Italy, October 2011, with Kristin and Cousin Rob (photo by Elke)

Moments later, trying to hold the pose (photo by Elke)

Rome, October 2011

Grand Cunay, April 2012

Ramsar COP11 in Bucharest, July 2012

Lost in the forest, January 2013

Will and Grampa Dwight, August 2015

Profoundly wary, Wisconsin, August 2015

Mont de Bière Devant, November 2017

On the way to the Chalet de la Croix, January 2018

Mont de Bière, Swiss Jura, March 2018

Somewhere in the Jura mountains, early April 2018

Suntanning near Marchairuz, February 2019

The Flintsteel River on Lake Superior, September 2021

Hydrobiking into an autumn headwind, northern Wisconsin, 2021

Memorializing a facial hornet attack, 2023

More physiognomy

Kristin, before and after 1995

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 19 April 2001, revised 5 February 2022, updated 26 July 2024.

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