Dwight Peck's personal website
ritual annual walk to Poêle Chaud
(in Switzerland)
2006-2007 spent waiting around for winter
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go Not
a year should go by without at least two, or even three, walks up the Pointe de
Poêle Chaud (1628 meters), snuggled in alongside La Dôle
overlooking Lake Geneva.

again in the forests of the Jura, Dr Pirri ponders where he may have gone wrong
and resorts to the solace of the bottle, as today's additional participant, Christine,
looks on with bemusement and - it may be - doubt, 11 March 2007.

Pirri fighting gravity. We're heading for the Pointe de Poêle Chaud, but
you'd never guess that from Dr Pirri's route-finding. But "up" is "up",
so this may well be progress.

additional participant exults, as we emerge out of the forest onto the scraped-off
ski runs coming down from La Dôle, in brilliant sunshine. And at last, we
know where we are. We're in the middle of a downhill ski run. With snowboarding
teenagers screeching past.

out water bottles, as we prepare to dash up across the ski runs on our ponderous
old, wired-up, but serviceable, snowshoes.

members of our party approaching the Col de Porte, as the narrator remains discreetly
in the background, taking photos and catching his breath. 
okay, Dean Pirri beat us to the Col de Porte again. But he had inspirational help
this time. 
view from the Col de Porte on a sunny, windy day, 11 March 2007, up towards La
Additional Participant having a good look down towards Lake Geneva from the Col
de Porte. 
President Pirri preparing to leap. Leap, Dr Pirri! Leap! 
near the Col de Porte on a windy March day in 2007, bound for the Pointe de Poêle
Chaud. Preparing to leap.

last look up towards La Dôle, as we head off in the other direction. 
last look up towards La Dôle, as we head off in the other direction. 
A last last look up towards La Dôle, as we still head off in the other
at the amateur radio French-Swiss relay station La
Glutte on top of Poêle Chaud (1628m) 
digging out a few cheese rinds as a rough kind of lunch, with the radar facility
on La Dôle peeking through from the horizon.

cheese-stoked merriment before starting off down the other side towards the Pointe
de Fin Château 
narrator (left, in the red furfie) very pleased by the participation of our Additional
Participant today 
not fail to note that fantastic blue pompon on Dr Pirri's hat. He sewed that onto
it himself. 
hikers viewing the Pointe de Fin Château, and all of Switzerland beyond,
before leaping. 
additional participant is on snowshoes for the first time and finding that it
all comes very easily . . . 
. . except when from time to time you fall boom. 
then leap up again. Back
down through the forest now, somewhat painfully for the older members of the party
in the steeper gulleys, to make the loop back to Givrine. Towards the end of the
Switzerland winter that never came.

from SwitzerlandMobility (http://map.schweizmobil.ch/?lang=en)

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 15 March 2007, updated 17 April 2012.