Dwight Peck's personal website

Married now, is it?
(June 2006)

Doesn't time go by?!

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Marlowe Tyson Peck, not long ago about the size of a football, is getting married.

The legal thing took place in Ottawa, Canada, some days earlier, where Marlowe is a senior at Carleton University, but we missed the justice-of-the-peace ceremony as the big follow-up party in Vermont, USA, sounded more like our kind of thing.

So, freshly back from Newfoundland, here we are at the charmy Norwich Inn in Norwich, Vermont, USA, restful and perfectly placed for motoring 10 miles through the forests to South Strafford, ancient seat of the Clan of Wilson, where the reception festivities will take place.

"We" means us, of course, as well as sister Susan from Ohio, Auntie of the bride, and astrophysicist Alison from Hawaii, the bride's approving half-sister. Years ago, when Marlowe was a little wee lass, one used frequently to run the backwoods route between Hanover/Norwich and South Strafford, but now an automobile would be much better.

The Norwich Inn, across the Connecticut River from Hanover, New Hampshire, and Dartmouth College, is by the way a lovely place in every way. But, maybe, the dining might be more congenial in the pub than in the formal diningroom -- that's just my view -- this is the home, after all, of the Whistling Pig Red Ale (Jasper Murdock's Alehouse).

Kristin expressing her opinions on Ehud ("Big Ehud") Olmert's recent speech, on the front porch of the Norwich Inn, in Vermont, USA, 2 July 2006

Alison and Susan taking pictures, Norwich, Vermont

Sister and Brother comparing photos of the Norwich Inn

[Photo credit: Susan Lime]

Narrator repeating "But what else was I to do, when the fit was upon me?" Kristin turning on her "Dick Cheney" look. The Norwich Inn, in Norwich, happens also to be the microbrewer of the fabulous Whistling Pig ale, and perhaps the narrator has just been talked into buying cases of the stuff to take along to the wedding. And a few more cases to drink on the premises.

The Norwich Inn is, by the way, the brewer of other distinguished recipes, including Whistling Pig Red Ale (already mentioned); Old Slipperyskin India Pale Ale; Stackpole Porter, 'a dark ale style dating back to the 1700s'; Second Wind Oatmeal Stout; Jasper Murdock's Extra Special Bitter; Fuggle & Barleycorn; Oh Be Joyful; Last Pick Pale Ale; Dr. Bowles' Elixir; and Jasper Murdock's Private Stock. If, when you die, as eventually you must, they give you a choice of eternal habitations, pick this one!

Alison, at the Norwich Inn, picking up calls from the observatory in Hawaii.

Buena Vista, the old family home in South Strafford, built back two centuries before the Elizabeth Mine became a Superfund site.

Marlowe and Alison Peck discussing things.

Alison photographing at Buena Vista.

Alison and Kristin near the big tree at Buena Vista farm

Mr Tyson near the big tree at Buena Vista Farm (source, external PDF)

A clan picnic at the Union Village Dam state park near South Strafford, Vermont, 2 July 2006. Kristin wants to know whether you want some red chili peppers on your watermelon now, or later.

Half-sisters Alison (in the blue hair) and Marlowe compare watermelons.

All the Narrator's Favorites: daughter Alison, sister Susan, daughter Marlowe, partner Kristin.

Dwight and Alison up on the Union Village Dam, 2 July 2006

Kristin and Dwight

Back at the Norwich Inn, astronomers preparing for tomorrow's wedding festivities

3 July 2006: We're off for Buena Vista, South Strafford, Vermont, USA, to give our speech and try to grab some of the wedding cake before all the little ones get it all.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 19 August 2006, revised 21 December 2008, 24 May 2014.

Marlowe Tyson Peck