life's hectic non-stop party threatens to get out of control and really exhausting
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
It's early April and the snow's already long gone, or nearly so.

We're out for a walk, 3 April 2005, stalking about in the pastures south of Mont Tendre to get some new photos for our Farms of the Jura series. This is La Foirausaz (1336m) [see map below.]

Farther to the northeast, the Pré de St-Livres (1359m)

Pré de St-Livres

The ski-club hut on the ridge above, at 1548m.

Tree. Or former tree.

Druchaux (1551m), farther to the north

Druchaux from the southeast

From the northwest

Leaving Druchaux and walking westward

The farm of Petit Cunay (1522m)

Petit Cunay

The cisterne (1337m), at the bottom of the map below; formerly noted on maps as Eparçillon, presently unnamed but part of the pastures of La Foirausaz

The cistern

Closing the circle after a 3or 4 hours' walk in fine weather.

from SwitzerlandMobility (