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Road trip (1): Views of Gaylord, Michigan
05/26/2024 - 05/30/2024

Staunton, Virginia, packing up for the annual motorized trek out to the Wisconsin Northwoods, and no one wants to be left behind.

The first night, in The Cranberry, just east on I-64 of Morgantown, WV, getting to be our preferred first night's stop, especially for the nearby Lake House Restaurant at the marina on Cheat Lake.

Night Two is at a La Quinta in Perrysville, south Toledo, Ohio -- both cats are extremely patient, one of them with chemical assistance.

Rise and Shine -- on Day Three we're blasting off for Gaylord, Michigan.

And here we are: Gaylord! In the famous 'Tru by Hilton Gaylord'.

We've got some time in the afternoon, so here is a photograph of the Otsego County Clerk's Office (according to Google Maps).

Something flaggy is going on here.

Of course, a fine big cannon on Main Street -- every town should have one.
It must have been Memorial Day yesterday, parades, bratwursts, vintage WWII tanks in the streets, Uncle Sam costumes, allocutions from the mayor, great fun.

And an enthusastic demonstration of the great power of a bunch of identical flags

Gaylord has a twin city -- Pontresina, a high mountain village near the Bernina Pass in the Grisons/Graubünden region of eastern Switzerland. Possibly because they have so much in common.

An interesting building at the intersection of Main Street and N Otsego Street, presently housing the White Birch Outfitters shop

Some of the results of the Kiwanis Club's inspired 'American Flag Project', featuring here Hogan's Jewelers and the Rusty Pelican.

A view along Main St -- it doubles as Michigan Route 32 and thus merits lots of lanes.

That's the Otsego County Building, with its apparently famous Otsego County Fountain out front. Gaylord is the county seat of Otsego County and, in fact, the only city in the county (with ca. 4,300 residents).

Like a lot of towns in northern Michigan, it styles itself as an 'alpine village' -- dating from early immigrant settlers, no doubt -- and there are quite a few faux-Tyrolean style buildings along the Main Street.

And a lot of use of the word 'Haus' to suggest a 'house'
(Here's some even more dedicated Michigan alpine nostalgia -- Frankenmuth, aka 'Little Bavaria'.)

Not just hundreds of temporary flag displays -- here's a permanent memorial to the brave men and women who have protected our shores and invaded other people's shores for us. It's certainly a good time for patriotic reflection.

The intersection of Main St and N Court Ave. The town was settled in 1873 when the railroad came through, and acquired the name Gaylord after 'an attorney associated with the Michigan Central Railroad. His law firm was located in Saginaw. Gaylord never lived in his namesake town[.]' It was incorporated as a village in 1881.

-- Hey, lady, the bus doesn't run here anymore.

That higher pointy roof left-centre is Rafi's Hibachi & Sushi Bar, with the Karma Taproom to the left. On the right is the Snowbelt Brewing Co, with its authentic Hofbräuhaus style. Gaylord's geographical position is in the 'Northern Michigan Snowbelt', and in season the town offers winter sports including downhill and cross-country skiing and snowmobiling (golf in summer).

This is the Fifth Third Bank
The Third Fifth Bank is out in the mall :-).

Here's an enigmatic invitation to the Ah-Loy Bamboo restaurant, farther down N Court Ave to the right, as we're approaching . . .

. . . the Alpine Chocolate Haus and the El Patron Mexican Grill ('Unassuming Mexican eatery with a colorful, hacienda-style interior & a menu of familiar dishes').

That's Hogan's Jewelry ['The Legacy Continues'], familiar to us from its prominent participation in the Kiwanis Club's 'American Flag Project'.

Having passed right by the Otsego County Historic Museum and Abi's Bistro ('breakfast - lunch- soup'), distracted in an earnest conversation, we're coming up to what Google Maps identifies as Mary's Stein Haus (with buxom 'German' waitress hoisting a beer stein aloft), but we've learnt that it's not here anymore -- on or about January 13 it moved in with Kane's Lobster Pot & Bourbon Bar just down the street (where we had a nice seafoody sort of dinner later), until Mary's new digs are ready.

Across S Otsego Ave from Kane's Lobster Pot & Bourbon Bar, here's a sad sign of the times. A Family Video franchise with half a city block of dormant carpark and a 'For Lease - Built to Suit' sign out front.

A fine mural extolling the virtues of Gaylord, MI (golf, snowmobile, and 'Alpine' architecture), viewed in the lobby/poolroom of the Tru by Hilton hotel.

29 May 2024, finally, the Mackinac Bridge, a 5-mile long wonder opened in 1957, and . . .

. . . presently undergoing maintenance.

Wouldn't you know it? After decades of budget-cutting neglect, Pres. Biden's adminstration is finally getting things moving again, before it's too late, and . . .

. . . we've got to put up with all these inconveniences everywhere we go.

Choupette waiting out our passage through the toll booths, which don't take our EZPass.

An hour or so along the Lake Michigan shoreline on Rte 2, we arrive at the Quality Inn in Manistique, where we've been well contented before. Note that corner room on the second floor.

That's an artificial moose with an M on. (On the little sign nearby, it's described as a 'Gentle Restfull [sic] Moose'.)

It's a homey place, and relatively inexpensive.

And apparently far from full up, because we scored the corner room, like . . .

. . . this.
[That said, by the evening, there were a fair number of semi-trailer trucks parked up in the adjacent lot.]

Melvin is usually able to cork off for a nap anywhere anytime, but . . .

. . . Choupette is still reluctant to risk getting out of the carrier.
Next up: Downtown Manistique and its famous boardwalk trail