You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

We're taking one of our standard 2-hour walks in the Grangettes nature reserve, a Ramsar Site of International Importance on the shores of Lake Geneva (Lac Léman), 2 December 2017.

Confident mid-winter paddleboarders -- not for nothing is the small river that tumbles down from behind the Leysin Tours and enters the lake here called the Eau Froide. We're starting from the western end of the lakeside town of Villeneuve, bound through the Ramsar Site for the Grand Canal.

Looking back at the Rhône valley from the end of the breakwater at the Grand Canal on the right, the lake on the left, the Dents de Morcles and Dents du Midi on the far horizon. The breakwaters extend nearly 500m out from the lakeshore -- the mouth of the Rhône is another 2km farther to the west (off to the right).

The small city of Montreux 4km across the end of the lake

The Viaduct de Chillon of the A9 autoroute from Lausanne towards Brig and Italy. No photos today of the Grangettes Ramsar Site itself, but there are some more targeted pix here from February 2015, January and February 2016, and May 2016.

The first decent snow of the season down here in the back yard, 9 December 2017, requires . . .

. . . sunny walk out from Ollon through the vineyards and back.

Lower Ollon and Lake Geneva in the distance
Supplemental views of Melvin the Doge making himself at home, mid-November 2017

No drawers left unexplored

No birds unmonitored

Asleep on his perch
A feline obsession with keyboards

No cupboards left unexplored

Hiding unsuccessfully

An unsuccessful jailbreak

Melvin is an 'indoor cat' who doesn't always want to be, but so far the plastic chicken wire has frustrated his best efforts.

Birds, insects, passing 'outdoor cats' from the neighborhood -- vigilance.

Pleading to be tickled
A few more from the summer

Three more from the pontoon boat on the lake in Wisconsin, 14 August 2017

All three taken by Oriane Piskula