Dwight Peck's personal website
Winter 2013-2014
Dispatches from way, way behind the lines in Switzerland
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Views of Monts Bailly and Chaubert
23 November 2013

A short excursion on a fairly grey day: we're starting from the sledding hill across the road from the farm at La St-George (1088m), up towards the Col du Marchairuz from the village of St-George (936m).

Down the forest road towards Gimel, which will soon be closed for cross-country skiing.

The foresters never sleep (Pré à la Dame).

An info sign from RandoNature for Mont Bailly (a.k.a. Mont Bally), so called because it was exploited by the bailiffs of Berne during the period of Bernois rule in the Pays de Vaud. After the 1798 revolution the area was taken over by Lausanne and the nation, and was acquired by the town of Gimel in 2007.

The farm on Mont Bailly (1057m)

Which way now?

Passing by the farm building

Back into the forest

A hobbit door in the forest

The door gives access to one of the very old cisterns/wells found in the forest here.

Crossing over towards Mont Chaubert

An intersection of forestry roads

Turning back along a road marked out for a cross-country ski du fond piste

Trees -- in former times, Mont Bailly was known for its giant, isolated trees known as "gogants"; these modern ones are just big.


The farm of La Palud ['marsh'] (1067m)

Back to La St-George

The farm of La St-George across the road, the kids' sledding hill on the right

La St-George

Back to the car

from SwitzerlandMobility (http://map.schweizmobil.ch/?lang=en)

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 13 December 2013.