Dwight Peck's personal website

Winter 2019-2020

A photographic record of whatever leapt out at us

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Fall visits -- 2a: Hazel, Emily, and Clinton in Wytheville, Virginia

The La Quinta in Wytheville, VA (pet-friendly), 25 October 2019 -- just follow the arrow to a working front door. We've stopped off near Roanoke to take possession of two thumbnail size Burmese kittens for delivery to Emily, Clinton, and Hazel, who will arrive here later tonight.

The uninspiring back end of the La Quinta

We've finally figured out where the front door is.

Very patriotic, and they love guests, too.

We've come down to check out Wytheville ('There's only one!'), but it appears we're not welcome.

Now we've snuck in from the side, and it seems that the town is en fête.

Ah, there we are. 'Lurch on down to the Farmers Market'. It appears, according to Google, that there really is 'only one' Wytheville -- in 1839 it was named for George Wythe, a famous judge, signer of the Declaration of Independence and friend of Jefferson, but had actually been incorporated under another name in 1789.

We're on East Main St., heading along for lunch at the Log House 1776, before we lurch on down to the Farmers' Market.

Wytheville is a quaintish small town of about 5,000 souls -- we've chosen it as a promising halfway point for handing over the two tiny Burmese kittens that Kristin has acquired on Emily's behalf.

That's they -- Pugsley and Wednesday. They're actually sequestered at the moment, because oddly enough, our Choupette, normally a placid and benevolent little beast, has gone aggressively insane at the sight or smell of these two and has had to be separated. Doubly odd, because they're in fact Choupette's half-siblings.

Anyway, back to the Log House 1776 restaurant for lunch. It's described as a 'quaint cottage with 18th century origins'.

Some cottage!

Kristin and Clinton awaiting stragglers

There's a very good menu, and whilst waiting we've been encouraged to have a look round. It's virtually a museum, in effect.

One of the upstairs rooms. There appear to be hundreds of rooms, all with tables, chairs, and place settings.

And the odd little garden stuck in the middle

Log House 1776 views

Room after room. The wait service staff must all be geniuses, or carry maps.

Imagine this at peak times

Continuing our European tradition of Kristin's finger in the lion's mouth. Smaller than most of our lions so far.

Lunch is over -- very good. Hazel's on a dash for the bunnies' cage.

Behind the 1776 restaurant, part of the complex, is an elaborate jumble of gift-shopping opportunities.

There are those in our party who seek out avidly the possibilities of a real find.

Meanwhile, Hazel's found the bunnies.

Aww, they're so cute.

Inside the gift shop -- too crowded for some of us, we'll wait outside.

A little bit of everything

Gift shop no. 1

Gift shop no. 2

Kristin, having canvassed no. 1 with a practiced eye, is headed for no. 2.

We'll wait in the parking lot, and admire the 'quaint cottage'.

Discussions ensue.

It's time to move along. Bye bye, Bunnies.

We're lurching on downtown. Reassuringly, the town fathers are clearly ready for anything.

It's all Hallowe'en themed, and the local organizations are out in force throwing sweeties into the kids' stretched out tote bags.

Some early lurchers

There may be a hint here, too, that Wytheville was number one in Federal Army occupations.

-- Oh, who could that gentleman be, all kitted out like that, clutching his Davy Crockett hat?

It's Ole' Dan'l Boone, in the flesh, as it were. Here, with a 'Millennium Time Capsule' (by January 2100, this place may be below sea level), we have a monument to Daniel Boone and, also, to the so-called Spanish-American War, when the USA became 'a dominant power for peace in the world'. (Or at least 'dominant')

Welcome to Wytheville.

It's brisk business today for 'The Pakalachian' and its curries.

A free vaccination clinic -- good on them.

Perhaps it would be indelicate to ask. (Their shirts seem to say 'Weights down, gains up'.)

Some colorful lurchers.

Indecisive colorful lurchers

The race is on. Someone mentioned that the racing kids have to evade the ghouls.

An historical mural of the town, featuring . . .

. . . a forbidding-looking Edith Bolling, born here and eventually Woodrow Wilson's second wife.

That's the Millwald Theatre. Or was. Now it's the Crosswalk Church; with, on the storefront, a barber shop and a Video Game Exchange ('SALE - going out of business').

The Army National Guard is here, prepared to talk about benefits and explain how to 'keep the door to your military career open while pursuing your college degree', outside the 'combat sports' academy ('Now Enrolling').

Kristin and pumpkins

Not the race winner, but a hardy competitor

Post-race results

That's the famous 'Wytheville Big Pencil'.

Post-race relaxation

The military and the ghouls are arranging . . .

. . . a photo op.

The family's ready to get Auntie home now, before something bad happens.

A good gesture

Many towns, for civic events, have the police close off the main street. Wytheville's got the army.

The Pakalachian ('Tikka my senses')

Later in the afternoon, upon insistent reflections from some in our party, we've discovered that we need to go back to the junk shop (it's open till 10 p.m.).

Specifically to Gift Shop no. 2 -- something must have caught our imagination.

Could it be one of these? (No.)

Or something here?

(Yes.) Fits in nicely in the Old Y in Staunton, as it turns out.

This is Pugsley (or Wednesday) a month later. He (or She) has clearly got the Choupette look (photo sent by Emily).

Next stop: Hiking near Wytheville

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 2 December 2019.

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