You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
A few views of the Aubonne River near Lake Geneva

Starting from a footbridge across the Aubonne just south of the Route Suisse lake road near Allaman -- the Aubonne River begins 10km to the north up near Bière, but we're here to walk down the last 2km of it to Lac Léman, or Lake Geneva. And back. 24 September 2017.

Looking downstream from the footbridge. When we lived just up the road in Féchy-Dessus, this was our favorite afternoon stroll.

Down the path through the woods that winds 2km alongside the river southwards to the lake, here.

At the mouth of the river, a little stoney beach that's as crowded now, on a fine afternoon, as it ever gets, with a small local marina alongside, La Pêcherie.

A little sailboat motoring in (according to the Allaman website, there are no more free berths in the marina)

A disconsolate fisherman

A fine afternoon

The little sailboat motoring back out again, to try another lakeside port

A cute port, rather downmarket it seems -- few grand yachts. Kristin and Teny.

Cute little boats

Back towards our footbridge -- the vines are devouring the trees.

Our specialist in arbivorous vines explains the gruesome death spiral.

The rock-crushing company nearby

The 13th century Savoyard Château d'Allaman across the Route du Lac, host over the years to Joseph Bonaparte, Empress Joséphine, the Count Camille Cavour, Voltaire, Franz Liszt, George Sand, the first International Peace Summit (1830), and latterly a consortium of antique dealers who had to move out before the renovations -- once recently renovated, apparently time-share apartments nowadays.