Dwight Peck's personal website
2008 -- Last days of Kristin's May visit,
and the Château de Joux
Nice visit in May 2008, though not a lot of time off work for mere frivolities.
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

First, some chamois stalking in rough weather near La Dôle. More here.

Then some time spent running all about Rome, Italy, to see sights and sites. More here.

Now, a little tarte citron and an afterthought.

A few investigations of enormous karst gouffres, this one near the Perroude du Vaud, 31 May 2008

That's enough of that for the moment.

Pharmaceutical pit stop in Pontarliers, France, and a big Sunday disappointment
The Château de Joux

The Château de Joux in France, near Pontarliers, 1 June 2008

Our excellent guide, François, explaining the hegemonic symbolism on the gate

The view from the Château to the road leading out towards Neuchâtel. The French TGV rail line, Paris to Lausanne, runs across the bottom.

Our guide in full cry

Prisoner Mirabeau's famous bedroom. When he wasn't in one of his other bedrooms.
(This and other tales of the Château de Joux can be found here.)

Kristin enthralled by historical military artifacts

Mirabeau's bedroom out the window

A yawn, and Mirabeau's bedroom

A protest. And Mirabeau's bedroom.

The barracks kitchen

Poor Berthe's cell

With no room to lie down in (Berthe's story)

Our guide dropping large stones on the little kids. To illustrate, to squeals of chagrin, that they're made of foam rubber for a Belmondo movie.

Even the loo is authentically medieval

Time to go home now, and get ready to go to the USA.

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative,
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 20 June 2008, revised 2 October 2014.