Dwight Peck's farm photos

Farms of the Jura in winter

The Quiz (2)

The Jura mountains run in a southwest-northeast direction along the border between France and Switzerland, from Geneva (Genève) to Basel (Bâle), holding at about 1300-1400 meters altitude (4350-4500 feet), and peaking in the range of 1650 meters (5450 feet). These photos of high alpage farms in winter are mainly from the southwestern end of that range, between the cities of Geneva and Vallorbe.

15 More Stumpers

Look at each photo, think about it for a little while, consult with your friends if any, take a guess and write it down -- then click on the photo and count 1 for "right", 0 for "wrong". Count -1 for guessing the wrong country.

Be warned -- a few farms are represented on these quiz pages more than once.

There's no time limit on this -- there's nobody with a stopwatch grinning and itching to disqualify you. So if you want to take a break and improve your score by dusting off your old skis or snowshoes and going up next winter to verify your answers first, there's no penalty.

That's Dr Joe sitting on that roof. The cross-country ski track should make a good clue.

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jura-mbderriere2.jpg (18444 bytes)

How's it going so far? No need to reply, I'll assume that you're above average. Like everybody else.

Jura Farm Quiz Your score
Quiz 1: the first 15 stumpers
Quiz 2: 15 more scenic headscratchers
Quiz 3: still another 15 puzzlers
Quiz 4: 15 forehead bangers
Quiz 5: The final 15 déja vus
Your score out of 75 (no prizes)

AND here's a Special Quiz (1) BONUS -- worth 2 free points

jura-mbdevant2.jpg (22878 bytes)

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted Posted 19 June 2007, revised 2 October 2008, 13 December 2013.

Farms of the Jura in winter

More farms of the Jura