Dwight Peck's farm photos

Farms of the Jura in winter

The Jura mountains run in a southwest-northeast direction along the border between France and Switzerland, from Geneva (Genève) to Basel (Bâle), holding at about 1300-1400 meters altitude (4350-4500 feet), and peaking in the range of 1650 meters (5450 feet). These photos of high alpage farms in winter are mainly from the southwestern end of that range, between the cities of Geneva and Vallorbe.


We're starting out bursting with enthusiasm, 4 December 2010, headed now for the farm of Meylande-Dessus at 1321m off the road between the Col de Marchairuz and the town of Le Brassus in the Vallée du Joux.

A skier's been out before us, but otherwise we've got the place to ourselves. Mont Tendre is peeking over at us in the background, and it's wonderfully sunny, and really really cold.

It's cold, but cold by Jura, not Canadian, standards -- that is, like, you've got to put your gloves on.

A beautiful Jura farm in the snow. All Jura farms are beautiful in the snow.

We're circumambulating the building for views of all sides of it.

And then we're striking off to the northeast towards Petite Chaumilles.

Meylande-Dessus as we take our leave

4 December 2010

from SwitzerlandMobility (http://map.schweizmobil.ch/?lang=en)

5 December 2010

24 January 2014

9 February 2014

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 29 December 2010, revised 22 May 2014, 18 January 2020.

Farms of the Jura in winter

More farms of the Jura