Dwight Peck's personal website
Winter 2008-2009
The best snow we've had in the Jura in a decade, and we've been in danger of missing it entirely.
Mont de Bière Devant with friends
Friends want to go for a walk on a fabulous day, so we're happy to lead them along to an excellent destination, if we can just keep up with them. 22 March 2009.
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Dante (Andrea) leads off into the trackless forest.
Terry, Sara, and Lisa opt for the well-tracked forest instead.
Intense political discussions whilst awaiting the stragglers
André, or Dante, and Lisa
Lisa and Terry near Mont de Bière Devant
Mont de Bière Devant beckoning
The farm at Mont de Bière Devant slumping
Preparations for the summit assault
Terry calling for order
The summit team
Warming up the cameras for the summit celebrations
Terry, Dante, and Lisa
Andrea, Dwight, Lisa, and Sara. Medical doctors vs. academic doctorates, a draw at 2 to 2.
(Not actually, academics win 3 to 2, as André's got both.)
The academics have it, 3 to 1, over the medicals.
Academics have it again, 2 to 1, with Lisa and son.
(But 2 to 2 if we count Sara in the background.)
Sara and dad Terry wending uphill in classically superb Jura weather
A little more uphill, and a little chillier late in the day
At a full gallop, between Mont de Bière Devant and, of course, Mont de Bière
Up Mont de Bière in mid-March. Vermonters take to Jura snowshoeing like they were born to it.
The medical staff at leisure
Lame guiding on the return route -- we missed the car by a few hundred meters. We're trying the wall, which is not promising so far.
And, in the end, trudging down the highway, after an excellent day out in the fresh air.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 7 April 2009, revised 14 October 2014, 21 January 2009.