Dwight Peck's personal website

Winter 2004-2005

as life's hectic non-stop party threatens to get out of control and really exhausting

Kristin's April 2005 visit to Switzerland

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

La Genolière

April 2005 -- The snow's gone already. Wait, the snow's back.

On the meadows of La Genolière (1348m) above the Col de la Givrine, the snow was nearly gone already, global warming with a vengeance. But now, in mid-April 2005, the snow's back, and so is Kristin.

The Grande Combe behind La Genolière, 16 April, as the snow starts blustering in wetly.

Kristin in Switzerland

Waiting out the snow storm unsuccessfully

We're looking for the farm of La Genolière

Et voilà

La Genolière, 1348m altitude

La Genolière is a working farm, but also has a buvette/snack bar along the cross-country ski- and walking-track at midwinter from the Col de la Givrine past Vermeilley towards the Col du Marchairuz.

Which way?

Leaving La Genolière

before we get snowed in.

More snow in Bassins

Lots of new snow overnight -- that's Dieter, our Volkswagen station wagon, groaning under the load of new snow in mid-April 2005.

The Bassins church next door

17 April 2005: "More snow?"


The forest just above Bassins.

Now we're off to Cannobio and Lago Maggiore for a week.

The Cabane du Carroz

Suiting up at the snowline, 24 April 2005

Dr Pirri is bringing his famous Yukon Charlies today

Snow, perhaps predictably, turns to rain -- Kristin and Joe getting drenched marching up to the Cabane du Carroz of the Swiss Alpine Club.

Two snowshoe tracks diverged in a snowy wood . . .

Good hard snow, though, no snowshoes required . . .

. . . as long as you walk precisely where everyone else has.

Snowshoers evidently inside the hut dining heartily, and the gardien can be seen washing up his dishes in the kitchen.

The Cabane du Carroz CAS with Kristin and a passerby hiding behind a rain-splotch on the camera lens

Time to go

Joe and Kristin trying to agree upon the least rainy way to proceed

The Cabane du Carroz, April 2005

En route. Le Noirmont in the distance

The farm of L'Arzière below

Wait up

On the long way home, drenched hikers are vigorously discussing the advisability of underwea . . . .well, never mind, you don't need to know that.

Near L'Arzière farm, 24 April 2005

Mind your step (it's a mountain-bike bridge over a cattle guard)


Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 3 April 2005, revised 4 October 2008, 10 September 2014.

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