Dwight Peck's personal website
2001-2002 in a corner of the Jura All
of life's victims who've entered into their second half-century doubtless have
noticed that life gathers speed and passes us by much more quickly than once it
did. So,
too, the winter of 2001-2002 has zipped right on by, pell-mell. Pretty much a
good thing, too. But here are a few photos of whatever can still be salvaged from
all that havoc.
may not find this interesting unless you're included here, so this is a good
time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up
in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
autumn begins stealthily to become winter, Profs. Pirri and Durham join the narrator
on one of many outings to Mont Tendre in the Jura and nearby peaks. We're anxiously awaiting the onset of winter.
Pirri, not content simply to wait for good snow, accompanies us for
several weekends of scrambling up the fronts of Mont Sala and Mont Pelé
-- better than playing canasta with the menfolk over cigars after large Sunday
family lunches at the auberge down the street. But we're still awaiting
some decent snow.
not, Prof. Pirri, snow is coming soon."
-- soon -- we will be back upon our snowshoes once again. Buy a few magazines
about celebrities to occupy your idle hours and don't fret anymore. Soon the snow
will come.
narrator surmounts Mont Pelé and scans the horizon for snow. Nada so far.
winter finally arrives. Ice all over the shop on the lakeside park in Nyon, Switzerland,
where the narrator takes his lunch every day, on the over-sunny
benches in the summers, in his auto with the heater and radio on throughout the
Nyon's wintry vegetation
snow for the Christmas season, as Ms Marlowe Peck makes her annual
Yuletide visit to the old country.
wall hopping in the new snow
thus commences the snowshoeing season in the Jura, roundabout Christmas 2001,
with lots and lots of good fun to be had, including . . .
Search for Angels on Grand Cunay in the Jura and . . .
. . . a follow-up in appalling weather. [More here.]
in February 2002, our old friend Carmen (center), from Chalet Pollux in Leysin
circa 1991, brings along the family for a splendid visit.
a full complement of little guys, namely Sam and Alexander, fresh from three years
in Norway, both already accomplished in-line skaters and one of them pretty hot
with the ice axe . . .
Carmen being useful
the snow came, everyone was happy again. (Crêt
de la Neuve.)
the Jura, at least for as long as the US-led Global Warming lasts, we've abandoned
skis and have all taken up snowshoes instead. Many of the former ski stations
of the region have become "centres des raquettes" with rental snowshoes,
maps, and hot chocolate afterward. In this photo, Dr Pirri demonstrates flawed
snowshoe technique near the Crêt de Mondise.
Big Sport for Winter 2001-2002 was searching all
about the Jura for holes, limestone holes, like this one . . .
a brief and occasionally humorous catalogue of "Holes of the Jura in Winter"
is available here.
frequent companion in the search for big limestone holes was
Prof J. J. Pirri (above), newly wintering in Switzerland these days rather
than Lebanon, which is welcome to most of us.
all of the intense snowshoeing was entirely without mishap (below) . . .
Durham (above) and J. Pirri (below) tangle up their snowshoes and hit the snowpack.
(See antecedents.)
we're all agreed that winter 2001-2002, despite global warming, was
not the worst year we've ever seen in terms of winter fun for the semi-privileged
leisure-oriented working classes of the developed world in the last years of its
decline and dissolution.
the narrator seized the occasion of a pause in snowfall to lay on a cheap LinkSys
network in order to keep his contributions to the health of the world's wetlands
squishing along smoothly.
in the Jura, near the farm of Mont de Bière Derrière, takes a more
direct and heartfelt approach to nature conservation.
farms and the holes
of the Jura already pretty well catalogued by spring, there was some talk of a
photographic record of Giant Anthills of the Jura,
but luckily wiser heads prevailed.
As a
welcome result of US-led global climate change, winter 2001-2 gave Lisa
the opportunity to parade around the mountains in less clothing than is normally
then, in March 2002, Mme Durham became a genuine
Swissie, a citizen of the greatest country in the world ('greatest' in moral,
aesthetic, cultural, and defensive military terms -- prizes for brute offensive
military force still go to a handful of crude, less enlightened nations, and that's
here's another entrant in the Search for Winter Holes . . .
. . .
another excellent Jura hole, BUT now well past the winter and into late spring.
Thanks for finding this one for us, Prof. Pirri, but it doesn't count.
OVER. Time to move
on, recover what we can from all of this, and face the somewhat shrouded future
with as much hardihood as we can muster in these fallen Republican-dominated times.
not so bad so far! In July 2002, Prof. Berman of the Greater Boston Area popped
over for a month and short-roped us over from Switzerland into the Italian side
of the Alps, and up and down there for a while, and then back again near Zermatt
into Switzerland, and that's the subject of the
next instalment of this lengthy chronicle of human folly.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 1 August 2002, revised 11 January 2014.