Dwight Peck's personal website

Kristin's visit: June 2009

Maddening months at work, trying to migrate a very large Web site to a different technology, and no end in sight. It's time to take a break and, as luck would have it, Kristin's coming for a visit.

We'll go to France tomorrow. Today, it's the Chalet à Roch Dessus.

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Always glad to get out and stretch our legs a bit, and enjoy the fresh air, especially before a long car trip. We've left from the farm called Pré aux Veaux on the Combe des Amburnex road and we are relaxing up into the forest to visit the famous painted chalet. With Joe hanging out before.

Up we go

Forest sights

Along the main ridgeline of the Jura in these parts, there's the Chalet à Roch Dessus before us.

Austere looks, as if it turned out that we're not on the guest list

The fine paintings on the Chalet à Roch Dessus. [More]

Summit cross at Vue de Genève (Geneva can be clearly seen through all the diseased trees)

The northeastern half of the beautiful 4km-long hidden valley of the Combe des Begnines, and the farm of Petite Chaux (1408m)

Mont Sâla is at the far end, 2km over the horizon seen here; the farm of Petite Chaux is just on the left.

A water hole of some sort in the middle of the combe. Our path down out of here is just ahead on the right.

Pesky barbed wire

Fragrant flowers. -- YOU smell them too. -- I can't. -- You MUST. -- No. -- You MUST. -- All right, but you'll have to get me up again.

-- I can't smell a thing. Get me up.

Pesky barbed wire

More pesky barbed wire (Not if you can just step over it, ha ha.)

Back past the farm at Pré aux Veaux, and off to France tomorrow.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 23 September 2009, revised 30 August 2014.

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