Dwight Peck's personal website
Summer 2002
Berman and L. Durham join the convent for the 4th of July
2002 swooped in fast, blasted by over our heads with an acrid smell, and disappeared
over the horizon. Mr D. Peck, for a large number of work-related reasons, was
unable to plan any holidays from 2001 right all the way through 2002, and probably
well into the spring of 2003 for that matter.
work, work. With Mr Peck glued to his keyboard in early July 2002, friends C. Berman and L. Durham went to the convent in northern Italy without him,
and did up a fine 4th of July with the nuns. And then one of them, guess which,
rode a bicycle up through northern Italy, past the holy shrine for cyclists, and
rejoined us in Switzerland over the Simplon Pass.
may not find this interesting unless you're included here, so this is a good time
for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the
sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

4th of
July at the convent [the Villa Peschiera in the village of Carvico, about 15 km
west of Bergamo]: Judy, Arthur, Lisa, Charlie display their patriotic sentiments
as if there were no Cheney-Rumsfeld junta in power for the moment. It gets worse
. . .

Doodle and the Star Spangled Banner in northern Italy, 4 July 2002.

Doodle himself (vere Arthur) entertaining the nuns and guests with some
lively Americana. (Arthur is actually Scottish.)

explaining why it's really necessary, on this day of all days, to stick USA flag
decals on your face.

believed her. Nuns with face stickers (back row), non-nun Lisa with face stickers
(center), Arthur stage-managing the whole thing with face stickers on (right).

Nun with
USA face stickers (left) on 4 July 2002, who adopted Lisa (right) immediately
upon learning that her father had been at Anzio Beach in 1944.

with gusto, and face stickers.

4th of July hijinks in northern Italy.

USA, we're number one!" Possibly thinking more of 1944 than of 2002.

Mr C.
Berman, having got Prof Durham to come over to Italy and carry his luggage back
to the old country on the train, rides through northern Italy heading generally
in the same direction. Here he pauses for pious reflection at the holy shrine
to cyclists [Chapel of Madonna del Ghisallo near the village of Magreglio at the
pass (754 m.) above Bellaggio].

| Not
as tearfully poignant as the Vietnam War Memorial that adorns the Mall to America's
everlasting shame, but, as bronze monuments to fallen heroes go, much more forgivable. | Prof
Berman sets off to go over the Simplon Pass from Italy to Switzerland. No worries,
he's done this ride before (when half the present Italian population had not yet
been born). |

| Eat
your demographics! Mr Berman revisits the Simplon Pass of his earlier years and
books a lunch table for 2010. | And
then off he launches himself on the stormy descent to Brig, Switzerland, and the
flats to Sierre and Sion in the valley of the Rhône, where at long last
his enthusiasm began gradually to cool, long after the rest of him, and he got
on the train, to Lisa's house in Aigle. |

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative,
. All
rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 2 November 2002, revised 5 April 2008, 11 February 2014.