Dwight Peck's personal website
Wisconsin when the ice is off it
Lakeside fun in the Northwoods
The Porcupines (scoping mission)
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
The Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park squats on the Lake Superior southern shore in the Upper Peninsula region of Michigan, USA, just west of beautiful downtown Ontonagon. Kristin grew up hiking the tree-infested trails, and today we've driven up from the Wisconsin Northwoods for a couple of short preparatory hikes to get ready for the summer holiday.

That's the Lake of the Clouds from near the Trailhead on the Escarpment, looking east (29 July 2010).

Kristin and son George gaze out over the vast tree-cluttered wilderness and contemplate our next steps.

We're off southwest down the Big Carp River Trail along the Escarpment (down the Big Carp River Boardwalk for some of it).

Off the scaffolding at last, with another glance back at the lake.

It's a very scenic path along the ridge, excellent views in the temporary freedom from suffocating trees, and shoals of eagles soaring overhead threatening real trouble to some of the little vermin (not us).

Lake of the Clouds from a convenient lunch spot

The turnaround point on the Big Carp River Trail, before we'd got to the Big Carp River.

There's another promising Porkies walk we'd like to scope out today, so we're hurrying the programme along somewhat.

Now it's time for the Presque Isle River

The Presque Isle River, specifically either the Nawadaha Falls, the Manido Falls, or the Manabezho Falls, probably the first of those, at the far western end of the Porkies. We're on our way down the East River Trail from the South Boundary Road to Lake Superior, a pleasant 40 minutes or so each way.

More falls, probably the Manabezo Falls? All the signposting is on the far side of the river.

Well-marked, well-kept paths (but we got lost anyway)

An overflow branch of the Presque Isle, not flowing at this time of year (which is why this is presque an isle)

A quiet spur of the river, with a little turtle basking in the middle of it.

The long dash of the Presque Isle out to the lake

Kristin on Lake Superior

Kristin and George at Lake Superior

Kristin and a passerby on Lake Superior

More falls on the way back up the West River Trail

Excellent trappings laid on by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment

More falls

More falls

And the Presque Isle River upstream
The Mushroom Hike

Back in Wisconsin: a brilliant path around a small nearby lake, and we've brought along a paper sack in case we see any mushrooms. 2 August 2010.

Bonanza! That ought to take our minds off hiking for a while.

Kristin and Elke filled the mushroom sack and later made the mushroom pasta, so it's a net gain.

Joellen's birthday, 80 celebrants on their way, and an enormous tent out back of Kristin's cottage for the predicted stormy weather.

A Mexican theme: the guests will arrive soon, and the black clouds are already roiling.

Kristin explaining to the 80 celebrants how to get to the cellars as the tornado warnings on the radio become frantic.

Cats (Bob and Squirrel)


Kristin aloft

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 25 September 2010, 14 August 2014.