You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Kayaks, mini-golf, go-karts, ziplines . . . and Billy

Activities on the dock, 12 July 2019

The winter's wreckage, browning nicely in the sun

What a mess.

The Remains of the Tree

Off onto the lake

Choppy waves

Some of us would have flipped this thing on the first sight of a wave, but others are more confident.

Miniature golf at the 'Settlers Mill Adventure Golf & Frozen Custard'

A possibly illegal shot

Billy after one of his holes-in-one

Marlowe and Dima with a friendly passerby

We need not obsess over the scores.

And on to the next attraction, even more fun!

-- Gentlemen, start your engines!

Billy's off in pole position

Dmitri's close behind

Some of the older members of our party would not have climbed into one of those things for a free AARP membership.

Billy burning up the track

Into the last lap -- it's going to be a near thing.

-- It's over already?!
The zip line

"Thank you, vets" -- we zipliners express our gratitude for those who defend our homeland from invasion!

Suiting up, and a brief intro course

Billy in 80 pounds of gear, and . . .

. . . Ready!

Billy's fond parents on the spectators' bench, and an oblivious neighbor trying to figure out how to work a smartphone

Zipliners, On Your Marks!


Billy receding into the distance

Preparing for the next flight

Billy, and a well-controlled landing on the wood block

A cleverly-exciting collision course

The teenaged staff are masters of safety protocols and inspired at working with children.

-- Off you get.

The Northwoods Zip Line is pricey and not suitable for all of us anyway, but a successful experience for today.

This improbable attraction (in mid-July, in any case) is worth a brief stop.

It's not entirely clear to us what the business model is here -- perhaps enough people, on their 88°F summer holiday on the lakes, dream of their next Christmas festivities.

But there's plenty of Christmas stuff to buy (talk about 'deferred gratification').

Or some nice antlers to brighten up your next end-of-the-year fêtes

A very patriotic neighbor's dock across the lake
Kayaks again

Dmitri in the canal . . .

. . . and the midway lake

The continuation of the canal in the centre of the picture


The end of the canal and the next lake over

Cousin Rob has joined us in mid-canal

The bay near the canal, called on the map 'Tomahawk Bay' (nearly everything round here has 'tomahawk' in the name)

Rob and Marlowe

The battle is joined.

The hydrobikers are staying out of the way and taking odds on the winner.

It's a near thing . . .

. . . but ends peaceably.