Dwight Peck's personal website
Wisconsin when the ice is off it
Lakeside fun in the Northwoods
Back to the Porcupines
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Super Alison up from Chile, with her friend Mark, and Super Marlowe (who had to leave Dmitri behind in Canada) have come to join us for a week in northern Wisconsin, and today we've fetched Marlowe at the airport and arrived at the cottages on Lake Superior at about sundown, 4 August 2010.

That's Kristin's family's installation on the Lake Superior shore in Michigan's UP, as we're unpacking and trying to fire up the outdoor grill.

That's the sundown. Amongst us, we've got 644 photographs of sundowns on this and successive evenings.

Immediate family: Alison and Marlowe with the Old Dad

Dinner time in the cottage
The chaperones

The next day

We're setting out for a hike up on Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula, near Calumet

A pretty disappointing hike near Bear Lake in the McLain State Park, sadly -- we found it through a guidebook called Easiest Negligible Hikes in Michigan, and weren't disappointed.

Mark and Alison and Lake Superior, 4 August 2010

The next day again. Surf's Up!

Marlowe and Dad waking up slowly to the new day

Back to the Porkies. We're up to Summit Peak in the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park and getting ready for an adventure.
Memorializing our visit to Summit Peak, Michigan, USA, early August 2010

And now we're down the South Mirror Lake Trail. Hi ho, hi ho.

A swamp near the Beaver Creek, Summit Peak on the horizon

Mark emerging from the wilderness

Alison also emerging from the wilderness

Now we're all looking for the cute little fishies in the Beaver Creek
The chaperones

Now for the Presque Isle River eastern trail

Kristin near the falls

Insect spray near to hand

The East River Trail

Presque Isle almost-an-isle spur of the river

Marlowe with camera

The Chilean ALMA team on the Presque Isle

Lake Superior on the Presque Isle

Kristin in contemplation of beach stones (looking for agates)

Starting back up the West River Trail, and thence back to Wisconsin

A demon of the Porkies sees us off across the state border

Back on the lake in the Wisconsin Northwoods, an expedition is being got together

Kristin's getting everyone outfitted and planning, after we've set off, to take the towel off her head

Mark's on the hydrobike, Alison's got the kayak.

We're getting turned round and started in the right direction.

A practiced kayaker

The leaders are off, and we're following.

Alison leading, Mark carrying on, Marlowe and her Fond Papa in the canoe

Way down the far end of the lake, nowhere farther to go

Solidarity for the return trip

Back at the family cottages

Alison and kayak

Everybody on the dock

Kristin crossing to what used to be an island, before the recent years-long drought.

The lake levels are way, way down, the past few years, but a few days after this, the heavens opened down upon us for several days.

A week later, this tree was barely showing out of the lake.
A brief drought-related digression

Longtime lake people are probably less easily impressed, but to some of us, this view a week later excels.

The island is an island again. Or nearly so.

We're hoping for similar rains daily for the next year and a half or so. |

A trip out on the pontoon boat, looking for eagles cruising over the islands

There's one.

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh

The land of mature democracy. We're even exporting it these days. Sometimes at gunpoint.

Time for a gang trip down the Trout River, 9 August 2010

Almost ready to go

Kristin's going the wrong way (going back to look for Dwight)

Now we've got a good start

-- Turn it the other way.

Kristin seeking ibuprofen from Cousin Rob for her injured foot

One of the tour leaders, Kristin's brother George

Picnic time halfway down the river

Kristin's niece Thea and daughter Emily

Take-out on County Road H
[Quite a few photos are by Alison and Marlowe]

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 28 September 2010, revised 6 October 2014.