Dwight Peck's personal website
Tyson Peck
to ski (1988) Born
in the Swiss Alps before US-led global warming got into high gear, what else is
a girl to do but learn to ski as quickly as possible.

experts dissuade kids from skiing before the age of three, knee-wise, so here
Marlowe, just days short of that milestone, prepares bitterly for another day
of hiking with no skis.

Gstaad in December 1987, Marlowe implores -- IMPLORES -- her mother to let her
get up on the boards soon. After all, she's just turned three!

So here,
in spring 1988, Marlowe blasts off the Berneuse in an access of confidence and
more supple grace than most people enjoy in a lifetime.

Berneuse to the Lac d'Aï is for Marlowe but the work of an instant.
(Her old dad, after dark and on X-C skis, frequently spent a half hour inching
down the same stretch.)

"Turning now!"

now a little to the left."
that all there is to it?

skiing, downhill skiing -- it's pretty crowded. Noisy people.
Long lift lines. Cigarette smoke! Can we just go into the mountains by ourselves?

sets off on her first ski randonnée, March 1988, still however wearing
downhill skis, thus requiring some extra motive power. Bunny pack at the ready.

-- Everybody
okay back there?
-- Oui, papa.

skiing, without the cigarette smoke and long lift lines

pause for lunch out past Les Fers.

tired ski trekkers have the advantage of a strong mom along, but mostly we don't.

the end of the hike. Thanks, mom. I'll pay you back someday. (Heh
heh heh)
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 16 September 2002, revised 15 January 2009, 16 February 2014.