The Tiber in autumn

Dwight Peck's personal website

Rome, Italy, November 2006

Bits & Pieces

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

Rome at a dead run for a week

Thousands of photos, enough to keep the old Kodak photographic film stock flying off the shelves, except all digital, so instead they're free -- 55% of them blurry, 35% not blurry but stupid, 6% already used on our main Rome page, 3% unintelligible anyway, and here are some bits and pieces from the remaining 1%.


Santa in the City

Anita, Garibaldi's Significant Other

Juxtaposition of old and ephemeral

Guy-bird with sword posing as a cell-phone antenna

Sneak Peek

Egyptian Pharoah preparing to barf

Gold guy turning a crank in Rome

Taking an important call

A hunting accident

True love on video

The Church waiting for the secularized Flock to put bums back into chairs

The Papal Guards waiting for tea time, and a shower

John Keats. Percy Shelley. Arnold Museum. All the Romantic icons.

Tiber harvest

Tourist attraction


Decisions at the market

Decisions at the front door

The remote isn't working -- probably the battery's gone on it.

I changed the battery. He's not using it right.

I put the old battery back in it.

I don't feel all that well.

Midnight Shoe Sales

The Fungus Stairs

Panini caldi, enough to keep an army in the field for a week

Panini, Italy's gift to the world.

Take Away. Giudaico Romanesche Specialita.

Tell it to their victims in Gaza.

Ancient Roman pizzeria

Don't be alarmed. We're just here to help.


The beer with the green felt hat.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 1 February 2008.

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