Peck's personal website
Gallery of favorites -- snowshoes edition
Scenic views as the Great Point-and-Shoot Spirit intended them
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Circumventing the space limitations of this 950px box we're stuck in
Usually the snowshoeing photos on this website are resized for this constraining table to 800x600 pixels, lest the pages be too weighty for convenient downloading. There's a certain loss of detail and immediacy by doing that. This, however, is a collection in progress of some of our favorites in the dimensions that several generations of off-the-shelf cameras have given them to us, usually weighing between 4 & 6 megabytes.
Lac de Melo, Valley of Restonica, Corsica, France (Peck, Nov 2007), 2592x1944 px. Original, source page |
Chalet des Echadex (1365m alt,), Marchissy, Swiss Jura, Canton Vaud, Switzerland: Joe Pirri (Peck, Feb 2008), 2592x1944 px. Original, source page |
Camping trip to Col de Famelon, showing Tour de Mayen & Truex, Leysin, Switzerland (Peck, Feb 1982), 2500x1650 px. Original, source page |
Near the Col du Marchairuz (1447m alt.), Swiss Jura, Canton Vaud, Switzerland: Dr J. Pirri (Peck, Feb 2019), 5152x3864 px. Original, source page |
Chalet de la Meylande Dessus (1321m alt.), Le Chenit, Swiss Jura, Canton Vaud, Switzerland (Peck, Dec 2010), 4000x3000 px. Original, source page |
Chalet du Pré du Four (1394m alt.), Arzier, Swiss Jura, Canton Vaud, Switzerland (Peck, Jan 2008), 2592x1944 px. Original, source page |

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 25 July 2022, updated 26 September 2023.