You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Glimpses of the resident wildlife, and the Crossing of the Bar
Our annual summer pilgrimage to the Wisconsin Northwoods

Negotiating this afternoon's itinerary, with . . .

. . . a pause for repairs (i.e., WD40).

Well spotted. We're approaching quietly.

His (her) head's up, we've been noticed.

It must be invoking the 'freeze' response; they're usually long gone by this time.

Another inconvenience and delay -- tangled in underwater branches; we'll send professional rescuers, possibly with a helicopter.


Vile things they are, too.

Somebody on the property's got an idiosyncratic sense of humor.

We've been dreaming of trying to float up the mysterious creek with the hydrobike.

Still another cruel disappointment -- the propeller would be fouled before we'd got two meters.

A lot of windy conditions, choppy waters these days . . .

. . . and a bouncy ride in view for this afternoon. 14 August 2020.

The WD40's doing a predictably good job with Oscar's bike, much quieter.

Overnight windstorms tend to collect hastily moored inflatable toys at either the northern or the southern end of the lake.

And they sometimes defeat some of the moorings on absent neighbors' pontoon boats.

Cousin Rob, the Good Samaritan, repairs the mooring ties lest the float-boat migrates a few miles south overnight.

Showoffs on the lake

We could do that if we wanted to, but we can't be bothered. (I spent a long afternoon on Moreton Bay near Brisbane trying to learn to water ski, and have tried to escape the memory of that ever since.)

Loons sharing amusing anecdotes

A odd little shrine of some sort on the point at the entrance to Tomahawk Bay

The same from the other side of the point, looking into Tomahawk Bay

Kristin and Stephanie, well met at midlake

Social distancing

Recommended social distancing, and a shouted conversation

Oscar's first canal junket of the season

This is apparently the eagles' preferred surveillance post this year.

Nasty creatures

Traffic on the bridge
The Crossing of the Bar

The key to the whole endeavor is momentum -- you get up the required velocity and hurl your bike over the rocky reef with confidence.

It doesn't always work out so well, though.

Rocking the bike back and forth can sometimes edge you across.

Failing which, it might still be possible to back off the thing and have another go at it.

With a focused mind and really terrific momentum this time

It's looking good so far.

Now it's our turn. Here goes!

Another cute little turtle. This one didn't freeze, and went 'ploop' instead.

An amusing sight outside the window in the morning: a piliated woodpecker trying to eat our tree.

Two piliated woodpeckers, in fact -- making a racket.

A traffic jam on the bridge -- the traffic's taking turns in one lane. What's up?

Viewing a tree from an unflattering angle

More unpleasant reminders of death and decay all about

Not long for this world

Nature's little inconsistencies

Yesterday's backed-up traffic near the bridge, explained

Serious somethings-or-other going on with the highway department


The most exciting thing that's happened round here in months

Another turtle. This one looks unconvincing. Somebody's having us on.
The Lake in the Wisconsin Northwoods

Mussent Point is at no. 12.