Dwight Peck's personal website
Switzerland, in its autumn colors

Féchy, Switzerland, is a wine village, and today, the car being otherwise spoken for, we're going to take a tranquil walk out through our local vineyards.
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

We're leaving Féchy-Dessus ("Upper Féchy") now, 25 November 2013

Out into the vineyards

A look back at Féchy-Dessus after the grapes harvest has recently been got in. 'Upper Féchy' is a small hameau attached to Féchy proper down the hill, and Les Cassivettes, the rich people's subdivision farther up the hill near the treeline.

A view of Lower Féchy with, farther on, IKEA and the other Big Box stores that populate the lakeside coast road for nearly two kilometres.


Another view. The cars belong to workers out in today's fairly brutal north "bise" wind cutting back the vines after the harvest.

IKEA and the commercial wonderland along the Route du Lac

The village of Perroy down the hill and Lake Geneva

Our vineyard road with a view along Lake Geneva at Rolle and the promontory of Gland

The vineyard domaine of Bougy-Villars Dessous

The vineyard road down towards the autoroute, or national highway

Big tree, with the autoroute behind


A zoom of the village of Bougy-Villars

Les Cassivettes, the upper suburb of Féchy -- populated by what people from my class background would call mansions.

Féchy-Dessus from below the autoroute

The underpass beneath the autoroute, with poignant graffiti

A suburban carrefour in Féchy

Moloks. Here in Féchy, we have (or somebody has) elected to meet the Confederation's new "polluter pays" regulations by installing devices that measure your rubbish by weight, and bill you at the end of the year. They were a disaster at first, but seem to be working pretty well now.

The village auberge and maison de commune, or city administation

The Auberge, good food and charming hostess but, pricewise for us, only for special occasions

Very nice people. The town's 'salle polyvalente' is upstairs, where recently we were welcomed to the community two years after we'd moved in.

The Route de l'Etraz, following the ancient Roman military road from Nyon to Cossonay, with our post office (soon to be closed, we've heard, as a "cost-cutting measure").

It's been a chilly but edifying afternoon walk, and now we just need to plod back up the hill to home.

from SwitzerlandMobility (http://map.schweizmobil.ch/?lang=en)

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 25 November 2013.