Dwight Peck's personal website
Switzerland, and the Fête du Raisin 2013

Féchy, Switzerland, is a wine village, and today's the long-anticipated day of the 16th annual Fête du Raisin ('Grape Festival'), 21 September 2013, a major event in the Saturday social calendar of this part of La Côte, the lakeside villages between Lausanne and Geneva.
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

We missed the speeches and entertainment behind the old village school this morning -- a bit of a Saturday lie-in, in fact -- but now the throbbing boom of marching drums through the windows propels us down into the street.

The marching band is forming up, with the flag of Féchy proudly waving.

The guest country, come to contribute its own vines to the Vignes du Monde collection in Féchy, is Austria, and the guest town is Rohrbach in the canton of Berne. Rohrbach, in blue shirts, seems to have brought its own antique fire engine.

Crowds are forming in the main street of Féchy-Dessus (the street is named "Féchy-Dessus")

The speeches and schoolchildren's choral performances are all over, and the parade will process down to the lower part of Féchy for an all-day wine tasting extravaganza, with fish-and-chips also on offer and musical and folklorique activities all day.

Our friend Uschi and her enormous camera

Ten times more people than Féchy-Dessus has seen since last year's Fête du Raisin

Chris is on the organizing committee and takes his responsibilities seriously.

Get ready. Get set.


More folklorique people processing past our door

And a men's choir, it seems

And the tourist train rented for the occasion

An attractive Dotto F87 model

The more relaxing way to get down to the wine-tasting
More views of Féchy in autumn 2013

Our comfy livingroom ("mind your head")

A comfy work station ("I said, mind your head")

The Rue du Pont leading down to the lower town, and the entrance on the left to a town abri, or bomb shelter . . .

. . . which doubles as a party venue for the Jeunesse or town youth group, and as a . . .

. . . car park. That's Dieter, our silvery VW break, on the left. (Having long ago mastered, under duress, the art of constructing wooden bunks all over a bomb shelter like this in Roche, I'm a certified chef d'abri.)

Lower Féchy, the main part of the village (aka Féchy-Dessous), and Lake Geneva

Looking towards the Alps, shrouded today

Féchy-Dessus at dusk, after the grape harvest

The same

The road up to the uppermost part of Féchy, the very posh Les Cassivettes neighborhood 50 metres higher up the hill

Our "guest room" (or anteroom to the study)

The guest room from our study

The study

Kristin's tapestry

The living room, with an allegedly-comfortable sofa and my TV-watching throne

The Rue du Pont on a sunny day

The Rue du Pont on a rainy day

Our house dead centre

Ditto, behind Ricardo and Muguette's white Duster

The Route de Bougy up the hill to Les Cassivettes

Our house (the three dormers in the attic)

The kayak guy across the street

The vineyards
A few more views, 15 November 2013

Our flat -- the three dormer windows

Lower Féchy and the path down to the post office
Féchy-Dessus at night, 23 November 2013

and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 12 November 2013, revised 26 November 2013.