may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
The Dents du Midi from the backyard

The wisteria blocking the view

In the lounge chair with an improving book

The Squirrel napping in the reading corner, 20 April 2016
Variable weather on the Dents du Midi, June 2016

Vile weather on the mountain, 18 June 2016

Better weather, 19 June 2016

Relaxing in the study, 19 June 2016
Clouds, 21 October 2016

The Squirrel solicits cat treats, 10 December 2016

-- I'll have my treats now, please.

-- Another, please.

Time for a little rest
The Christmas season, late December 2016

Kristin's Neapolitan and Latin American crèche objets d'art

January 2017

The Squirrel disturbed whilst reading the digital New York Times.

The snow finally comes to Ollon, 10 January 2017

The vile weather holds for a while, 13 January 2017

Big sadness comes to Ollon, February 2017

R.I.P. The Squirrel, Dec. 1999 - 17 Feb. 2017 |
Life goes on, sort of

Kristin assaulting a lightpost on Lake Geneva, 20 February 2017