You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Last days on the lake, September-October 2020
This is a small collection of poignant photos of fairly cute cats, extracted from other webpages on this site.

Cats asleep at midnight

Cats asleep at noon

Cats at play: a coordinated hunting expedition for unwary insects.

Another end-of-the-season chilly, rainy day. As usual on rainy days, we're camped on the pontoon boat at the boathouse dock, wading through a big book and providing refuge for . . .

. . . cats like Melvin who hate the rain.

Restive; impatient; anxious. Mewling in frustration.

A meeting at mid-lake: Kristin and Kim, and by the looks of it, a small cat

It's Choupette -- looking in a fiercely bad mood, as usual

Pure malevolence (we still haven't figured out if that's real malevolence or her inherited happy face)

Anyway, something's distracted her and we can slip away.

Another rainy day -- another frustration for hapless Melvin the Doge; 12 September 2020

13 September -- learning to drink the lake water without falling headfirst into it

Having lately graduated from insects to shrews and little mice, Choupette is a relentless huntress.


Choupette on the qui vive -- shrews and little mice are wisely being scarce.

Now that's bad! Choupette and Melvin had been repeatedly instructed never to cross the cattleguard off the Mussent Point property. She's going to have to be grounded. For a while.

That's a piliated woodpecker.

That's a cat fascinated by a piliated woodpecker.

That's a cat who's not going to be able to respond appropriately to an unapproved woodpecking on the property.

And Choupette looking for insects, or for shrews and mice. [That cylinder is from a yard game called Barrel Golf; nobody seems to play at it here anymore, but the cylinders remain.]

Choupie got her front paws onto the flower box and hauled herself up and over. Fairly incredible.

Choupette, with her inimitable 'happy face'

Testing the screen for a weak point

Melvin is ready to hit the road first thing tomorrow, 5 October 2020. We're off for the Carter Caves in Kentucky, and thence to home.