Neat kids
Here's Kid
One: Alison was living in Chile, where she was the Deputy Project Scientist building the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array project (ALMA). What with at least one meeting or another in Europe every year, she was able to come to see the Old Dad fairly frequently -- here are the links -- and one of these days we're going to go visit her as well. In the meantime, Alison and her Mark have also come along to hike with us in Wisconsin in the summer of 2010, and they've got married in Hawaii in April 2011. Following all which, Alison's been over to Switzerland for a week of January hiking in the Jura. Most recently, in 2012, after five years in Santiago, Chile, Alison and Mark have moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) headquarters -- she visited us in Wisconsin in August 2013, and we reciprocated to her and Mark in Virginia shortly thereafter, and then Alison came along again to Wisconsin, with Mark, in 2014 and 2015 as well.
Two: Deirdre is no longer with us,
but when she was, she was the greatest. We won't even try to describe what she
was like. For more pix, click on the photo here.
Three (left): Marlowe spent her first decade in Switzerland, then lived in England
for three & a half years and came to visit every other weekend throughout
that time. Thence to the USA, and as soon as possible afterward, off to Canada for university. Not too long ago, Mar and her inamorato Dima got married in Vermont, July 2006 and are hanging out in Ottawa, Canada, and she's been over for a visit to Switzerland in June
and July 2007. She's also been out to see us on the northern Wisconsin lakes in 2009 and sign up as a marriage witness for the Old Dad, and back to the same lakes with us in 2010, and again in 2011. In the meantime, she's just had a baby, 8 March 2011, referred to as 'William Tyson Clark Filippov', and brought him along to show off in Wisconsin soon thereafter, and has most recently been parading the lad all round here with us in Switzerland, October 2012. Marlowe, Dima, and Young Will all came along to Wisconsin in August 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 as well, what fun that's been.