You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
Melvin and Choupette back in Virginia, winter 2019-2020 -- with guest appearances by Pugsley and Wednesday
This is a small collection of poignant photos of fairly cute cats, extracted from other webpages on this site.

Melvin displays his usual doubts in a new environment - a La Quinta hotel in Peru, Illinois, on the road trip back east, 23 September 2019.

Choupette the Burmese, too, prefers to remain inconspicuous.

This is the La Quinta Inn in north Lexington, Kentucky, the next day, and we're still showing a certain amount of wariness.

Melvin is an amazingly cooperative traveler, if not always a joyous one.

25 September 2019, Choupette is so far from enjoying her stay here that she's trying to wriggle her way into the travel carrier.

Once home in Staunton, Choupette retires to her favorite place of refuge, the guest room.

Choupette delights in chasing toy mice, pouncing on them, tossing them into the air and batting them across the room, but sometimes loses focus and takes a nap instead.

Yearning for the great outdoors -- only eight months to go till we're back on the lake.

Melvin and Choupette conversing quietly, in repose, 17 October 2019

Another new fan of P. G. Wodehouse's Blandings Castle

Choupette exhausted after battling a cloth mouse to death, November 2019

A vigilant Choupette, December 2019

Accusatory, or just suspicious?

Choupette, in a pink harness for the car, is ensuring that she won't be left behind, Boone, North Carolina, December 2019.

We're inviting Choupette to help us cat-sit Emily's new little friends whilst she's traveling, December 2019

Here's Choupette taking good care of Wednesday and Pugsley, which are in fact her half-siblings.

When Choupette (on the right) first met her tiny half-siblings in late October, she was mysteriously aggressive and hysterical. Theories abound, but it was very unpleasant to see. But now, whilst Emily is in Europe, Pugsley and Wednesday have come to stay with us -- we just picked them up in Kingsport, TN, a week ago -- and we were trembling with misgivings. 21 December 2019.

Happily for us, Choupette has been on best behavior and has taken the little ones under her, so to say, wing. In this episode, Choupette has been showing Pugsley the inside of the shower stall, and Wednesday has swung the door shut on them. Ha ha, what a little imp.

All very chummy now

Choupette and her new little friend

2 a.m. in Staunton, December 2019

Melvin, who usually remains dignified and aloof, is delivering some strong words to the little miscreants.

But they're anxious to get back to business.

The kittens doing the ritual aggression dance, amusing Choupette no end
More cats

Little Wednesday's got the flying saucer, and Choupette is impatient for her turn.

Choupette joins Wednesday in the flying saucer.

A stealth attack

Redistribution of occupants

Three occupants in one flying saucer

It wasn't working out.

-- Where did everyone go?

Three cats (photo by Emily)

Welcoming the new year, in January 2020, the cats are cooperatively perched on their favorite chair

Their next best favorite perch is next to or on the keyboard.

The third best perch, on top of the Cat Tower

Another favorite perch

A deeply resentful look -- we've been out at the shops for too long.

-- 'Don't mind Choupette, she's always like that.'

-- 'Here's my chance, he's asleep'.


Attack repulsed

A pause for catching one's breath

Another standoff

When Choupette sees the baggage cart out, she makes an early reservation; April 2020.