Dwight Peck's personal website
breaks from poring over the newspapers as the Bushies implode
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.
round-up of new farm pix, 22 January 2006
Bally on a good day
years ago, when we lived in Gimel, we spent fondly-remembered early evenings trotting
around Mont Bally as if it were the back garden. Now it's time to go back for
an afternoon and get some new farm photos for our Jura farms series.

starting out on horrible snow from the Marchairuz road at about 1060m between
St George and La St-George, and Dr Pirri immediately strides out up the first
worthy hill in sight.

Pirri charges upward in a fit of youthful exuberance, leaving his photographer
"in the dust".
do not always go as planned, and in this case Dr Pirri begins to disappear disconcertingly.

a modern flair for adaptive management, Dr Pirri reworks the project design. His
assistant, after floundering and wallowing about in the mess Dr Pirri had made
of the hillside, joined him at the top some 20 minutes later.

A successful
climb, in many ways, but sadly the wrong hill, so the leader strides out back
down again and heads for the real Mont Bally this time.

The farm
of La Palud (evidently, 'the swamp') at 1067m, with a crosscountry ski track from
La St George running right by the front door.

One of our main rules is
that we NEVER walk along on prepared pistes or tracks. But in this case we did
anyway, because we were totally lost and there was only a narrow ridge eastward
with a nice ski track on it. We'll carry this shame with us always.

after a tangly bunch of ridges farther on to the east (1090m), we came down on
another ski de fond track precisely at the farm on Mont Bally (1057m).

Pirri takes his seat and waits for the show to begin. (But
Dr Pirri IS the show.)

Dr Pirri
appears oblivious to the six-foot cornice looming out over his head, but providence
looked kindly upon him for a change and spared him a wake-up call.

Bally farm looking northward

Bally looking southward, 22 January 2006

lost again, late-afternoon hikers are relieved to burst out of the woods upon
La Palud once more, about 2km away from where they thought they were at the time.

the sun sets, it's a simple matter to follow one's own track home, with two new
farms for our Jura-farms series.

from SwitzerlandMobility (http://map.schweizmobil.ch/?lang=en) 
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 19 February 2006, revised 10 October 2008, 13 December 2013.