Dwight Peck's personal website
eventful, but in a quiet way As
round the world some of them were trying in vain to convince the rest of us that
it would be a fun idea to go bomb a lot of the folks down in Iraq, D. Peck and
friends spent the fall and winter hiding out in the safest place they could think
mission from the Tearoom on the Plage, in search of good snow
Climate change! It's the 3rd of April 2003 and snow
is already hard to come by in the Jura mountains. You
may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a
good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught
up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

2003, at the Tearoom de la Plage ("Tearoom on the Beach") -- with snowshoes
at the ready, the search is on for good snow.

Boss, we're ready, lead on." Durham and Peck await their orders.

Demonstrating our enthusiasm for our mission

members pause for a commemorative photo

Snow! A little.

Lunchtime out near the Petit Pré de Rolle, and time for a nap

we disturb her to continue our mission, or shall we just leave her here?

Durham exclaims "I've fallen! I'm stuck!". And then, "Okay,
I'm all right now!"

-- Then we shall continue!

The snow's been found. Drs Pirri and Durham debate whether or not to put the snowshoes
on, but elect not to.
have put them on. Mme Durham, marching
along between Petit Pré de Rolle and Les Echadex, reclines abruptly, to
everyone's amusement.

-- Ha ha, watch this

Les Echadex farm

another argument about the War on Terror


-- All right now.


A quarter of an hour later, another
casualty -- actually, the SAME casualty, but another time.

The mission
continues, undaunted so far. Dr Durham considers raising her falls average by
simply not walking any farther.

Passing the Tearoom de la Plage once again

"Mission Accomplished",
as War Hero G. W. Bush would say: little snow found, snowshoes never used, redefined
mission objectives -- "this small team was sent to verify that there
was insufficient snow to stand upright in, and our brave men and women of the
Elite Snowshoe Commando have returned safely to vote again in the next elections."
Prof Durham would like it to be noted here that the reason she fell down so often
is that she had a "broken toe".]

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 25 May 2003, revised 29 April
2008, 6 September 2014.