Dwight Peck's personal website

Newfoundland is still there (2006)

The island that became part of Canada about the time that I was watching Captain Midnight on a 10-inch B+W TV screen and sending in my cereal boxtops for the code ring.

The Gros Morne National Park: Last hikes and back to Deer Lake

You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the proceedings and can't let go.

A grey day, 28 June 2006, looking over the village of Norris Point and its marine research station on Bonne Bay from the hilltop on the road north to Rocky Harbour. This is the historic Jenniex House ("crafts, artifacts, mug-up"), and we're off for a little walk for an hour or two down to Wild Cove on the shore.

Kristin at a little picnic spot on Wild Cove, contemplating the fog, with Woody Point just visible on the right across Bonne Bay. She's waiting for the weather to clear for a good view of the Table Lands, shrouded in clouds in the right centre.

The Table Lands (right background) ascending into the clouds, like a gloomy medieval saint

A different hike now -- Berry Hill Pond, north of Rocky Harbour, still in the Gros Morne National Park . . .

. . . and still with boardwalks thoughtfully placed just where they're needed. (Kristin's got lunch in hand.)

Lunch on Berry Hill Pond

A beavers' lodge on Berry Hill Pond

Peaty wetlands, looking very like a potential Wetland of International Importance ("Ramsar site"), though so far it's not.

Though nearly 50 World Heritage sites are also Ramsar sites, so far this one hasn't been proposed for the Ramsar List.

There is one Ramsar site on Newfoundland, however, the Grand Codroy Estuary (arrow right) at the southwest corner of the island.

Kristin and the beaver lodge on Berry Hill Pond

Dwight and the beaver lodge

Time to start back -- in fact, time for still another hike.

On the shoreline hiking path just south of Green Point, Kristin investigates the "tuckamore" (which as we know from an earlier page refers to "the stunted balsam fir and spruce trees that grow all in a warped little impenetrable tangle").

And impenetrable is precisely the word that springs to mind (unless you're a tiny rabbit or mole or shrew, or a lowly worm or republican).

Kristin on the Green Point coastal path going southwards

That's Long Pond ahead, with the Gulf of St Lawrence behind and out on the right. Yes, still another "Long Pond".

Kristin checking out the hiking map at Long Pond.

A (barely discernible) moose on the far side of the little lake.

The next day, back to the Jenniex House near Norris Point for another last look at the Table Lands across the way . . .

. . . and thence to the Deer Lake airport, with its security gate . . .

And back to Kristin's church in Brookline. Very, very nice trip, all in all.

Now all we need to do today is stock up at Trader Joe's on microbrewery beer, organic wine, and fruit juice not made with commercial fructose, fetch Alison from Logan airport, and get ready for a trip tomorrow to the WEDDING picnic in Vermont.

Newfoundland 2006

Gros Morne: Trout River

From National Parks of Canada

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 17 August 2006, revised 8 June 2012, 22 July 2013.

Newfoundland June 2006