Dwight Peck's personal website

Uganda in November 2005

Views of the countryside

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands held its Conference of the Parties in Munyonyo, about five miles outside of Kampala, Uganda, on Lake Victoria. When not pushing down computer keys in aid of wetland conservation and gazing out upon Lake Victoria in the evenings, we got out to have a quick look around at the countryside.

Roadside homestead south of Mpigi, which is southwest of Kampala. Typically two small buildings, one of them the main residence.

No want of entertainment in the countryside

Oddly for a girls' school, St Henry is the patron saint of childless people.

Termite mounds are everywhere

A woman heading down from the village (out of sight behind us up the hill) to get some water from the source at the bottom of the valley.

Another woman heading down from the village to get some water from the source at the bottom of the valley.

A woman toting some water back up to the village (surely we could send them some pipes or hoses or something instead of F-16s)

A man craftily uses his bike to push his water back up the hill.

Another small homestead

A rural general store

(Photo by Sandra)

Termite mound, with Dwight for scale (photo by Tobias)

Uganda 2005

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, . All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 12 January 2006, revised 17 June 2007, 20 July 2013.

Kampala, Uganda, in 2005