Peck's reprint series
"The Letter
of Estate": an Elizabethan Libel
defamatory narrative of the Earl of Leicester
volume 28, number 1, pp. 21-35
February 1981
ONE of the most influential
figures in the Court of Queen Elizabeth I was Robert Dudley (1532?-88), the
Earl of Leicester, long a major power in the Privy Council and at one point
the commander of the English forces in the Netherlands. Not the least important
task in reconstructing his career and assessing his rôle in Court politics
involves the study of numerous contemporary defamations written against him,
both in order to determine the degree of truth in their accusations and to understand
how a responsible officer of state could have woven such a black legend about
his life. The mass of material is quite large, but interest in anti-Leicestrian
propaganda centres about the printed tract known as Leicester's Commonwealth
(1584), written by several Catholic ex-courtiers, principally Charles Arundell
(1540-87), living in exile in Paris.1 Most of the
other major documents can be considered derivative in varying degrees from this
opus,2 though stray pieces continue to be
Amongst the state papers
in the Public Record Office there is another short libel which holds interest
for anyone studying Leicester's career. The manuscript 'Letter
of Estate' was first noticed by John Bruce, who considered it to
be 'one of the early forms' of the Commonwealth itself.3
In 1919, the Jesuit scholars Pollen and McMahon printed two brief extracts from
it in their volume on the life of The Ven. Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel,
and in their introductory remarks they asserted quite positively that 'there
is no doubt that the manuscript is earlier than the printed book'.4
This judgement was adopted by T. W. Baldwin in his argument for a 1583 dating
of Thomas Kyd's play The Spanish Tragedy.5
As Fredson Bowers had demonstrated in 1931, the Pedringano incident in the play
(chiefly Act III, scenes 3, 4, and 6) bears marked similarity to the Gates episode
in the Commonwealth,6 but Baldwin maintained
that the 'Letter of Estate's' adventure of the Yorkshire gentleman, which he
printed, is even closer. Assuming a direct borrowing from play to manuscript
to printed book, he concluded that Kyd's play must have been on the boards before
Charles Arundell fled England in November 1583.
The relative dating of
book and manuscript has been studied, however, and it is quite clear that the
'Letter of Estate' did not precede the Commonwealth.7
In the Commonwealth, to cite only the most telling point, Leicester's
son by Lady Essex is thrice spoken of as alive, whereas in the 'Letter' his
death (on 19 July 1584) is applied to moral use. But, although it does contain
potentially useful anecdotes which do not appear in the Commonwealth,
such as those concerning the Countess of Essex's pride and Leicester's ear being
boxed for his presumption, one can scarcely imagine that the 'Letter' would
have been very attractive as a source in any case. As Fr. Pollen pointed out,
the two tracts do treat of several of the same subjects, but as he did not point
out, they are treated in entirely different ways, and there is in all but one
of them little sign of any common tradition: the Commonwealth's account
of the fall of the Duke of Norfolk, for example, focuses almost entirely upon
the year 1569 and the Duke's first entanglement, whereas the 'Letter' concentrates
upon 1572, the year of execution, and includes an almost martyrological report
of the Duke's scaffold eloquence. Likewise, the reports of the murder of Amy
Robsart and of the poisoning of the Earl of Essex preserve essentially different
traditions. Whereas the printed book reveals a high degree of accurate detailed
knowledge of recent events, the 'Letter' is apparently the work of an outsider,
a man capable of associating Amy Robsart's death (1560) and that of the Earl
of Essex (1576) as parts of a single conspiracy, capable of confusing the sequence
of events surrounding Norfolk's fall and the Northern Rebellion, of calling
Leicester's son (who was styled Lord Denbigh by courtesy) 'the young Earl of
Nonetheless, there is evidently
some relationship between the two tracts. The manuscript's title reflects the
Commonwealth's running-title, 'A Letter of State of a Scholar of Cambrige',
and verisimilitude has been sought for the epistolary disguise by directing
the manuscript to a friend in Gracious (Gracechurch) Street, near London Bridge,
an address employed in the Commonwealth and later in Walpole and Parson's
Newes from Spaine and Holland (1593). The 'Letter' also begins with what
may be called a 'dialogue setting' similar to the Commonwealth's, but
in the manuscript the narrative is not in fact carried out in dialogue form.
And there is one anecdote which is shared by both tracts in very similar versions,
though with no evidence of verbal borrowing: that is, the story of Dudley's
cruel jest upon the Earl of Arundel's 'ramping horse' crest. Fr. Pollen, in
printing these as 'parallel passages', ascribed the two chief discrepancies
(that Arundel is called a Privy Councillor, and is said to have been imprisoned
in the Tower) to the Commonwealth's error, but actually there is no error.
The 'Letter's' story is told of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and Philip
Howard, the present Earl of Arundel in 1585, whereas the Commonwealth's
is told, as it clearly indicates, of 'Duke Dudley', Leicester's father, and
Henry Fitzalan, Philip's predecessor in the Arundel title, who had indeed been
a Councillor and had been imprisoned in the Tower in 1551-2. One might suppose
that the 'Letter's' author found in the Commonwealth a story traditionally
told of the elder Dudley, and simply brought it to bear upon Leicester himself,
his more immediate target.
Having said that the 'Letter
of Estate' is neither a source for nor an early draft of the Commonwealth,
we must try to say what it is. It is a crude and old-fashioned tract which shows
signs of having been influenced by the printed book yet is generally to be regarded
as independent of it. Our best guess would be that at some point, probably soon
after the appearance of the Commonwealth in autumn 1584, someone decided
to write his own libel against Leicester, making use of largely independent
anecdotes and grievances, and that he sought in various ways to identify his
product with what may have been something of a 'Commonwealth tradition',
just as aspiring writers of poetical tragedies sometimes tried to continue the
tradition of the Mirror for Magistrates. There is no reason to believe
that this author had any connection with the Commonwealth's own promoters;
though there is ample evidence that the exiled courtiers planned a continuing
campaign of defamation against the Earl, the 'Letter' could scarcely have come
from them, as it rehearses many of the old general charges with little new information
included, it makes mistakes that the Commonwealth's authors could not
have made, and its unpolished style is altogether different from the Commonwealth's.
Furthermore, the two books differ considerably in technique - the 'Letter's'
charges are quite vague, whereas the printed book proceeds by accumulation of
names, places, and personal testimonies - and they differ in many of their attitudes:
the 'Letter', for example, though like the Commonwealth it shows great
solicitude for the noblemen oppressed by Leicester, seems (unlike the Commonwealth)
to have little sympathy for courtiers per se. Its author may well have
been attached to the Court (since he refers to the Court as 'here'), but he
writes like a countryman up on the gossip. Although his feeling for Norfolk
suggests some connection with the Howard clan, he seems not particularly Roman
Catholic in his perspective. Since he shows himself well aware of the Commonwealth
of late 1584, but makes no mention of Leicester's military adventures in the
Netherlands (which commenced in early 1586), as later libels did not fail to
do, we may assume 1585 to be a very probable date of composition.
Despite its crudeness,
the 'Letter' is quite an interesting work and contains much material for study
of the Leicester legend. It exists now in a unique manuscript copy of an earlier
original.8 Besides two brief extracts printed by
Pollen and another by Baldwin, all containing minor inaccuracies, it is here
reproduced for the first time. The manuscript is in a badly damaged state, and
has recently been further damaged, to the loss of approximately 15-20% of intelligible
matter, by having been mounted in the Public Record Office to prevent further
degeneration. The present text, however, is based both upon the manuscript itself
and upon a microfilm made of it (for T. W. Baldwin) in October 1930, which has
permitted the reconstruction of a much fuller text than would otherwise now
be possible. I have tried to supply conjectural words and phrases in square
brackets for matter now lost, by means of substitutions intended to be of the
same length as the missing portions, in order to carry the sense as well as
possible, and when I have added words where no loss exists in the manuscript
I have used brackets and italics. Brackets are also used to signal the beginning
of a new page of the original. Conventional abbreviations have been silently
expanded, and for proper names I have supplied capital initials. I have added
punctuation - the original has none - and have on occasion supplied paragraphing,
but a few words carelessly repeated by the copyist I have let remain.
[Title page]
Letter of estate sent too his freende HR in Gratious Strete, where in is laide
open the pract[ices and d]evices of Robert Sutton alies D[udley, Earl of L]ecester,
his packinge with [England's enemies ab]road, his intrappinge of the [Duke of
Norfolk,] his rapines, m[urders] and sed[itious treache]ries; with other his
d[etestable and] abhominable actions, odius in the [sight] bothe of God and
mann, laide open by [way] of sircumlocutione.
[fol. 369] A leter of estate
sent to his frend HR in Gratious Strete, wherein is laide open the practices
and devises of Robert Sutton alies Dudlie, Erle of Lecester.9
[Dear friend, having been]
overcome with thy importunitie, I have [thought good to send] unto the the some
of such private talke and [conference had at our] laste beinge togeth[er] in
Gratious Strete. [I do so willingly,] settinge aside all f[ear] or regarde of
[any] perill or daunger may growe thereby, but with this esspetiall charge unto
the, that thow in any wise be caref[ul] with whoe and to whome thou dost participate
any parte or parcell of the same. Neyther lives the mann besides thy selfe for
whose sake I wolde so far indanger my selfe as by [the] manifestinge of the
same bringe my selfe within the [reach] of his clawes, knowing full well that
on whome[soev]er they light they perce so depe as they never [re]cover after,
and therefor thou canst not bee to carefull of the participatinge of the same.
For allthough hee seme chained to a raged poste and musseled,10
because hee should not bight, yett hath hee so unlinked and unmoseled him selfe
as where hee bightes the remedie is curelesse, and with his chaine [so rang]es
in the corte as therwith hee affrightes [all the] reste of the beastes, in such
manner that some hee [thought] littell once to be moved they all of them [have
crept ha]sty to there denes, daringe not once [even to] thruste forth there
heades until such [time as] his ire and wrath bee appesed. [fol. 369v] For that
in his chaine hee leades the princly lion anie waie semes beste to his owne
luste and likinge. Withall in moste suttell and polliticke sorte [in his] bearescinn
hee hath soed the foxis taile with [salt] and raignes in such lionlike sorte
as daily hee doth, prieinge through his clawes in to other mens actio[ns without]
makinge any accquainted with an[y actions] of his.11
And ther[efore] once againe I instan[tly urge you] to bee carefull [with] whom
thou acqu[aint this matter,] leaste att any [time] the same should [become known,]
for that [in almost] every corner hee hath [spies and agents, each with] some
claw both [to rend and tear. And he] beinge so sawsie with the exer[cise thereof
as to let] us verifie the ould proverbe, that (quod [. . .] and that (non
est bonum ludere cum sanctis [rebus) a] prayer shall ever bee from such
a saint as he [is Laus] domine). But take hede, I advise the, for hee
[has an ear] longer then ever Kinge Midas was, reach[ing all the way] to St.
Michels Mounte,12 kepinge birds that [bring] him
newes in his eares as hee sitts att table [at] diner or supper from all costes
and quarters [of the] lande, which birdes are fead neyther with [. . .] nor
hempe sede, but with sede that [is found in the] farr Weste cuntry, where the
people go [for the most] parte naked, and is sente to their master [with] the
same as a speciall token [of their great] good will and longe continu[ance of
the same.]13 And I tell thee, the force and [power
of gold are such] that for the love and d[esire of the same] a mann will not
stick [to betray everything] unto the very enemies [and adversaries of; fol.
370] his homebred and naturall cuntry, as to many examples att this day make
manifest. And now beinge well warnde I hope thou art well armde, for hee that
shall deale with so pollitick an enemmie had nede [to] bee well provided, I
tell thee, for were his fight by plaine strength and manhod it were no difficult
matter to [overpower] him, but all his fight is by Machivels pol[icy, to the]
death, and yet never makes [open show, which is the most] dangerus fight that
may bee, and [so thou must take] hede to be shrewed. And as [touching] that
which so much thou desireste, which in as breeffe mannor as I may, and as nere
as my memory will permitt, I will truly and plainly sett thee downe, which was
in mannor and forme as foloeth.
[fol. 370v blank; fol.
371] Havinge well dined and sittinge in the parlor afore a good fier, the tyme
of yeare so requiringe, much diversitie of talke was ministred of divers kindes
and sondry matters, but esspetially of one more than all the reste, which was
of the great porte, swaie, and countenance the Erle of Lecester bare in the
corte, wherein so many menn, so many mindes, [are subjected] to his high wisdome
and pollecie [because of the] greate favor of hir Majestie, and some to [talk
to one,] some to another, whene one QL, [a man of hone]ste and of judgment
more than [all] the [rest,] enteringe into his depeste secretes and discoveringe
his flowere pott of Machivell stratagemes and Aritenicall practices,14
and enteringe into his depeste reaches, and withall seminge to wonder from whence
so great a tree should so sodenly sproute as to overshadowe all the trees in
the corte; and enteringe likewise into his stocke and progeney from whence hee
was decended, founde him to bee the sonne, and that the yongeste, of no better
mann then an archtraytor who in hir Majesties sisters ragne was for his ambition
and [pride] cutt shorter by the head,15 and the
sonne att [that time] knowinge him selfe guilty of his fathers [crimes,] more
likere indede to a fox then a beare, [hid his] hed into a hole, not once daringe
to [show the] same forth untill such tyme as hee [might slink a]waie [to be
saved; fol. 37lv] by that thrice noble duke the Duke of Norfolke, too whome
in most base mannor the wreach came crep[ing] prostrate on the ground, besechinge
his grace to bee a meane if it were possible for the preservation [of his] life.
Whose wreached case this noble duke pitieing, as one all waies preste to helpe
the distressed, in fine so labored with [Queen Mary] that, that which the [traitor]
leaste lookte for, he [successfully obtain]s a pardon for [his] treacherus life,
which [he hath now] full well requited, provinge the [cause] of the dukes confution.16
For now beinge [no longer kept] in presonn, where afore for his life he durste
not s[how] his face, hee secretly in his mischivus brayne conspires the subversion
of him which had saved his life, for havinge [an a]spiringe minde of his owne,
tristinge after digni[ties, sw]aie, and authoritie, and knowinge the nature
[of the] noble duke to be clenne opposite and contrary to such, and that duringe
his life it was not p[ossible] for him to atchive his conceaved enterprise,
[he plots] and imagines in his wicked brain all me[ans and] waies that might
be to remove this stomb[ling block.] Now knowinge the duke to bee rially d[escended
and] of high parentage and gen[tility, and of the] nobles and commones not one
o[f higher birth yet] livde, [not] seasinge to buz in his [ear many] fantasticall
prophesies unto h[im about the] Howardes belonginge w[ithin the royal family,
he entangled the] duke through the first [evil advice; fol. 372] and wicked
counsell of this accurssed and vild Achittophell,17
as enteringe into the Scottish Queenes title and contractinge matrimony with
the same Scottish Queene, with heynous matteres of high consequence farr above
his reach and capassetie, [contr]ary and opposite to the statutes & laws
[of the rea]lme; as beinge called for the [same to account] and by sufficient
proofe and [evidence convicte]d, to the great hartes sorowe of [all the nobles
and] commons, [Norfolk] was for the same of high treason condemned, where
in he had no so great an enemie as this vilde wreach, whose life hee beefore
had saved, as a fatall instrument of his owne confution. For had the noble duke
sofered him as hee worthely merited to [have] receaved the rewarde of his treasones,
he [neve]r had lived to have intangled as hee did [the] noble duke in such a
laborinth, where out bee could never untwinde him selfe with out the losse of
his deareste blud as a fore said.
And yet was hir Majestie
of hir mercie and clemensie, att the intreaty of the nobillitie, who greatly
bewailed [this] mischance, fully determined to have pardoned [the duke] of the
fatall sentence of death paste a[gainst him,] which this vilde wreach greatly
[fearing,] knowinge in what treacherus mannor [he had de]alt and that then in
some measure [the Duke might] in tyme cry quittance with him, [fol. 372v] confederates
with one that shalbe nameless about the dukes presente and spedy execution.
And yett they knewe there was a bore in the land duringe whose presence no such
thinge co[uld] bee putt in execution. And therefore most polliticly under the
[co]ller of an embassage the determined to [send him] packinge til there drifte
w[as accomplished, vo]winge w[ith] greate othes and [vows tha]t duringe [his]
absence no such thing [should be] attempted.18
But the noble man was scante there ent[ered] in to the sea when with all dilligence
th[ey] put there pretended purpose in practise, procuringe with all spede a
warrante as [from] hir Majestie unto the shirifes and majistrate[s of] the cittie
the night afore the dukes exec[ution] that not any eyther masters or servantes
sho[uld dare] once to stur forth of there dores afore ten [of the] clocke the
next day att the leaste, [and] the lanes and stretes ende towardes the [Tower]
to bee kepte and garded with [soldiers;] whereas contrary wise, not[withstanding
this] great commande, there was [assembled at] seaven a clocke the sa[me morning]
uppon the Tower Hill [to witness] this lamentable spec[tacle more than] tenn
thousand people [gathered there; fol. 373], when as had the duke but held upp
his finger, as one not willinge to have sofered what hee did, all the force
there, had it bine tenn tymes more, had not bine sufficiente to h[ave] performed
that which att that tyme with quietness they executed. But his patience in sofering
made plai[n declara]tion how farr hee was frome th[inking of an]y such matter,
for when hee c[ame to] the Tower Hill and vude the huge [gathering] of people
assembled as one which the feare of death nowhit appauled, with cherefull countenance
tornes him sell towardes them & hartely praies and instantly desires them
that now in his passage out of th[is wor]ld and life full of cares, sorowe,
and misery in to a life full of joy and heavenly bliss they wolde not by there
clamore or any other meanes be any occation of disturbance unto him, but quietly
to sofer him to pass forth of the same. Only these fewe wordes hee had to say
unto them for the cleringe of that false rumor wente uppon him, which was that
where as hee was noted too [be a] great favorer of papistes and also him[self]
to be no other, they greatly wronged him [and lie]d of him, and that hee hoped
[not for the joi]es of salvation but by the [mercy of] Christe only.
[fol. 373v] And thereof
hee desired them all to bee witnises, and then turninge him selfe towards the
nobillitie desired them to comende him [to] his good lady and mistress [Queen
Elizabeth] whom he so greviusly had offended and to desire hir to stande
good lady to [his] children, who th[rough] his folly and [ambition woul]d be
left in the world as orp[hans without any] guide u[nless] hir Majestie of hir
accust[omed cle]mensie did protecte them under the s[afety of her] winges. And
so takinge those which were nex[t] him by th[e] hande, and the reste by gesture
whome hee could not reach to, lovingly and kindly tooke [his] leave of them
all, and then torninge him[sel]fe towardes the executioner franckly and free[ly]
forgave him his death as hee him selfe w[ished to] bee forgiven, and after his
prayers saide, m[eekly] and willingly kneled downe on the scaffo[ld] and receaved
death with the strock of an [axe,] committinge his soule in to the handes of
h[is God] and his body to be inteered in yearth. Att which wofull spectacle
were more w[eeping] then ever was scene in that place [nor ever] is like to
bee sene againe, all [of them] generally lamentinge that [unfortunate and] wofull
[fol. 374] But this was
that which his Lordship expected and with such gredy appetite sought after,
knowinge full well as if that house should have f[lourish]ed it had in no manner
bine possible for him to have [in]sulted in such lordly and princly sorte as
now hee doth. And th[us now ha]vinge rid this stomblinge blocke out [of his
path,] as his chefeste lett, stay, and h[indrance, his Lordship,] to clere the
coste of the [last restraint, who,] the Earl of Northumberland,20
was a whotspurr in [the North and one] that might as ill indure his surquedry21
as the other, castes in his braines all practices & devises to bringe him
within the compasse of his bowe. But alass, he neded not have caste so far about
for that bird, nor ye[t ha]ve angled so depe for that fish that [of] his owne
accord was to ready preste [to e]nter in to the nett of disobedience and rebellion
againste his prince and native cuntry, drawinge in like mannor in to his traiterous
sosietie one22 that in every degree might have
checte mate with his Lordship and bine [his] rrivall in each resspecte, whoe
while [they] were faithfull, true, and loiall livid [more as] princes then subjectes,
in no smale [harmony and fai]the with their prince and [sovereign. fol. 374v]
But as the state of subjectes could not content them, but that with Lucifer
they muste nedes [con]spire againste there hed, prince, and govern[or, so] in
there downfall moste plainly apperes [the] ende of all false traiters and treason.
[For] one of them s[uffered a most]e worthely merited death for [his treason]
and treache[ry at] Yorke the 22nd of August 1572, [the other escaped]
with life, yet inforced to lead a life [far worse] then death, exiled forth
off his n[ativ]e cuntry to wander in a forraine enemies of the same, [hi]s treasons
and treacherie caste every daye [in his] nose by the basest and rascalleste
kinde of [peo]ple as a fitt posie for a traytor to smell, and uppone complainte
there of, lafte [at] and scorned as one that loveth treason [and playing] the
traitor, besides the perpetuall staine to [be] never likely to be restored.23
Where[as if they might] have bine contented to have lived [quietly] in truth
and loialty as they ought to [have done] in credit and honnor, they mi[ght have
lived] furth theire daies as any [the greatest of] peres who so ever. But [by
this] wee may bee hould [the fruits of sedition.]
[fol. 375] And now the
corte beinge rid of these states and none left that might controwle him in ought,
his Lordship beegan to lifte upp his hed and pretendes to bringe no smale matters
to passe, s[o p]resently hee so insinuates with hir Majestie that presently
hee getes th[e great] office of the one, beinge the principalste office [of
the Court,] and likewise the most parte of [the other,] beinge by reason of
his treasons [deprived of his offices.]24 And growinge
every day in more [favor] then other, [Leicester] thought hee might attempte
any thing what so ever, and beinge wedded to a ve[rtuo]us lady decended of a
noble and honnorable house and by birth by many degreees his bette[r, and] his
luste caringe him to the une [woma]n in his eies seminge more beutyful, like
Davide, but never repentinge with David, [he] lustes after Barseabe, Uriases
wife,25 and makes no consience to attaine the same
to make awaie his owne deare lovinge lady, who for hir vertue, truth, and loialty
deserves a far better lorde then hee. But [lost]e in lawless luste as a fore
said, after some [conference] had with Dame Lettice his love concer[ning so
importa]nt and waiete {i.e., weighty} a matter, they [both of them] betwixt
them conspired the [fol. 375v] the death of each others weded phere,26
and [his] good lady to bee the firste, which hee full sone [effected] as folloeth.
The good lady beinge att
hir [house in] the cuntry, full slenderly accompanied, as one [meant] towardes
smale goode, hir lord seldome or never vis[iting] hir, this lamentable inc[ident
o]ne day fell out. As too of hir gentill se[rvants were in the] parlor playing
att tables27 for there [recreation, as] also to
pass [the] tyme awaie withal, [they pause in] ther [talk] and to there plaine
hearinge someth[ing falls] downe the stairs, whereat the [one] jesting saies
to the other downe for a shillinge, the other lik[ewi]se merely ansuringe upp
for another. And so [they continue]d in playinge there game untill the same
[was] finish[ed] and ended, littell susspectinge what was fal[len.] And now
there game beinge come [to an] ende, and hearinge no body make any [move to]
take upp what was fallen, one of them stepe[d to the] staires foote to see what
it should bee. W[hat to their] appauled sperites there appered unto them, the
corpes of that noble lady without breath, se[eming to have] hir necke bone broke
in sunder, th[e murderers escaped] and gonn paste hue and [cry, who for] the
rewarde of ther [evil labors may] the Lorde throwe do[wn vengeance from; fol.
376] above uppon so foule and wicked murthers, as allso on him which sett them
a worke, to his perpetuall reproach and infamy. But now to color [the] matter
withall, moste falsly and slanderusly it [is] geaven forth that she fell by
chaunce downe the staires and brake h[er neck, which is] a likely matter, a
lady to fall downe [the stair]es and never hard cry, hir necke to [be broken
but with no] blud spilt.28 But his Lordship said
[so, and then] who durste say the contr[ary.] Much mutte[ring] there was about
this soden death of hirs, but [no] mann durste say a woord for his life.
And well had it bine if
there hee had staid, but hee proceded to an other which was farr more worse,
which was the death of that noble earle the [most val]iante Earle of Essex,
who for his truth, [honesty,] and loialtie was by hir Majestie appointed Lord
Deputie of Irelande,29 in which high office hee
bare himselfe so uprightly, administringe justice tempered with mercie, that
both of high and lowe hee was generally beloved, and wished if it had bine possible
his office to have bine perpetuall, such harty good will they bore unto him.
[And] therefore hee [Leicester] was driven unto his uttermoste [reaches]
to effect that which in his bluddy minde [he had con]trived, which seinge that
as he wold [hardly br]inge to passe for that hee in all [fol. 376v] in all his
actions hee [Essex] bore him selfe so honnorablie that without it were
performed by some meanes o[ther,] all his devises wolde come to naught, so as
which w[ith Essex] him selfe, well hee knew nott to fight w[ith this] good cushin
knight.30 Better durste hee [Leicester]
take [a tiger] by the tonge then e[ver] to loke him in the fa[ce in] the felde.
What then [could he use to] doe that w[hich him]selfe durste not [attempt,]
that was w[ish]ed to bee done. But [his Lordship] had an o[ther] tutor that
wold fully and [with great cunn]ing inst[ruct] him how and which waies were
be[st to] attempte [this] wicked, horrible, and hanyus acte that to the w[orld]
mighte be leste apparente. And after many devises [and practi]ces put in ure
for the accomplishinge of ther [purpose,] there could no waie be so fittly found
out and [be] so agreeable with his nature as by [poison] to rid the noble earle
of his life, which eve[ntually] to all Englandes great greffe he perfor[med,
so that] hee whome for his life hee durst [not even look] in the face hee crullely
murthers f[rom three hundred] miles of.31 So as
sodenly the noble earle [was taken] of a disease in all menns judgment [thought
to be] uncurable, in so much as all [the doctors in] Ireland were sought for
d[rugs and other means] to ease him of his p[ain, but all for naught; fol. 377]
were there potions ministered and all for nought were there labors beestowed,
there druges procuringe him littell reste, insomuch as the worste that might
bee beinge feared, hir Majestie with all sped [was] informed thereof, so as
it brought no smale he[aviness] to the corte, where hee was not a littell nor
meanly beloved, a[nd by her] Majestie the moste of all, who greatly greav[ed
that when] moste occation was to use him hee sh[ould die, and at] hir losinge
all once a spetiall [friend, a] lovinge subjecte, and a trusty counseller; [but]
in mortis nihill prodest, and therefore to be [borne] as paciently as
might be. But still the noble earles languishment encresed, notwithstanding
all the helpe that was procured. And now drawinge nere to the ende of his corse
and s[eeing th]ere was no waie with him but one, [Essex] provided [him]selfe
accordingly, and settinge all thinges in as good [or]der as his weake state
wold att that tyme permitt him, with cherefull hart and willinge minde yealded
upp his soule unto the handes of his maker, there to remaine in perpetuall joy,
and his body to be intered in the yearth with such honnor as thereto apperteyned,
his innocent blud [cr]ieinge w[. . .]bles for revenge uppon the falce [and wick]ed
murthere[r]s. But when the newes thereof [reached the] corte, many a wepinge
ie was shed [there,] but had they knowne the mannor [fol. 377v] of his death
and by whome and what meanes the same was effected, no doubt the wold with swordes
and gleyeves32 have hewd him in to a thousand gobbetes.
Great [weep]inge in the corte there was and his Lordship a[mong]ste the reste
made the sorowefulest countenance, [ri]ghtly representinge the crockodiles parte
that weepes [for] that hee wold fainest devowre. And what did, I [pray] you,
Dame Lettice hi[rself but appea]red I warrante [you] in blacke to the world,
[but yet con]ceaved no smale contente, for that she might [now in spit]e of
any[body] openly injoy that which so long [she had alreadi]e poss[essed.] Much
talke there was muttered in [every] corner, [and much] whisperinge, but not
any mann durste say a word for his life, for that hee was now growne so [far
into her] Majesties favor as no man but the Earle of [Leicester ruled] the corte.
And if any mann have any s[uit] to the [p]rince, who muste prefer the same but
[his] Lordship, so as bribes came in tombeling [two] and three folde, which
like the [. . ., with his] hande hee refused but rakes together [with] his whole
And now hee begines to
[mount] alofte and to beard his betters and [tread upon his] equales, thinkeinge
with Pompie to have [no equals] nor yet with Cesar to have no [rivals, he forces]
the cheffe of the nobillitie into [retirement by his] intollerable surqudrie.
Knowinge [that Leicester; fol. 378] never had merited eyther by his vallor tried
in forraine regions againste the professed enemies of his cuntry or by puttinge
downe att any tyme any hostile insurrection growne by the distempered humores
of the commones, to be so highly favored of [her Majes]tie that in regarde of
him the should al be sett by, and therefor disdeininge that so carped a knight
should in such [base ma]nner insulte over them, and not any w[onder resenting]e
the same, [the noblemen] of purpose absented [themselves from] the corte,
seldome or never comminge [there, unl]ess by a spetiall commande from hir [Majesty]
they bee att one tyme or other sente for, which is very seldome unless it bee
for the entertaininge of some strange prince or embassador and then ar they
sent for or els not, which falls out patt as his Lordship wolde have it, for
that they beinge gone hee may rule as hee liste, controwlinge of all, controwled
of none, every man being glad [to c]repe in to his favor, countinge them selves
happie to gaine a good countenance att his hand.
And now was his Lordship
a lusty yonge widoer and nedes muste hee have a brave lusty [mistres]s, for
that God had not imparted unto him the [virtue] of chastety that hee should
live as [a monk,] but must nedes seeke out where to bed. [fol. 378v] And a fitter
match then the Countess of Essex was not to be found out for him in all Englande,
for shee was a gallante and faire yonge widowe and not by the fates allotted
to live as a cloist[ress, m]uche less in a cloister or a cell. And therefore
his Lordship became a sutor to hir Ladyship, w[hich] to blinde the ies of the
world withall great guiftes and preasent[s they s]ente to each other and all
to bringe [about that] which they lo[ng] beefore betwixt them [had concl]uded.
But in the ende a match was [made up] and nothinge wanted but a day of s[ancti]tie,
which hir grace with hir presence shortly . . . h[ad,] where I warrante you
neyther wanted sumptuos appar[el] nor dainty fare, neyther of of them both fearing
att [all] there former deserved plage and ponishment for so ho[rrible,] foule,
and wicked dedes as they in there consiences [knew] they h[ad c]omitted.33
And yet the same conferm[ation] was generally susspected of all and wold [have
shown] if they durste have bine tould of it to there fa[ces. But] now who but
his Lordshipp in the corte, and as [in pride] and ambition hee paste, so in
like manner w[edded he] in every degree with a Countess fittinge hir [husband's]
humor, for more liker a princes then a subje[ct in the] corte she bore and demened
hir self, [as one] who seinge hir lorde to be [the master over] all the nobillitie
and con[ceiving well that; fol. 379] they durste doe nothinge and that as it
were they had him att a becke,34 thought in like
sorte all this were nothinge if shee in like sorte had not all the [other goo]d
counteses in the court att the like stay, and therefor in all that ever she
might [she] practised and devised to effecte the same, in so [much]
as if [ever once] hir Majestie were disposed for the entertainment [of some
stra]nge prince or embassador to have any new [gown mad]e hir she wilbe sure
with[in] one fortnight after, or att the leste afore the departure of
the embassador, to have an other of the same sorte and fation sutable in every
degree with hir Majesties and in every respecte as costly as hir Majesties,
if not more costly and sumptuus then hirs. Whose intollerable pride hir Majestie
notinge, after some admonitions for it and the same slightly regarded, tould
hir as one sone lightened the yearth, so in like sort she wold have but one
Quene in Englande, and for hir presumption takinge hir a whirit on the eare
in plaine termes strictly forbad hir the corte, not uppon paine of hir high
indignation to approach within five [m]iles of the same where soever the same
shoulde art any tyme bee residente, which [with] patience perforce shee
was compelled to obey. And seinge that in the corte shee [might] not duell as
afore, yett was hir pride in hart no[t a w]hit abated but the sinne in every
respecte greatly [increased,] as by hir doinges moste plainly appered. [For
if she should] att any tyme bee dissposed eyther for hir [fol. 379v] recreations
sake att any tyme or for hir pleasure to take the aire, as through Cheapside
or some such [pla]ce, no less then fower milke whit stedes will she [have to]
drawe hir alonge the same in hir chariot, w[ith] hir fower footmenn in there
blacke velvett jackettes w[ith] silver beares on there backes and [th]ere brestes,
with . . . a master whome she [has to walk along]side, havinge [a] cople of
knightes and thirty [or forty foot]men afore, [then] hir coaches of gentill
wemen [each of them] with their pages and servantes cominge behinde them, as
people [there] gasinge verely sup posinge it eyther to be hir Majestie or e[lse]
some strange prince or embassador come frome some some strange and forraine
cuntry. And thus thoughe [no] prince, yett as princelike as may be she beares
and [carries] hir selfe in all poyntes.
But levinge hir to the
[reward of] all pride, lett us a littell forth search and se[ek in]to his Lordshipes
seacret driftes and polleses [whereby he] is growne to such state and authourity
by his [continual] insinuatinge with hir Majestie, that uppon him [as the] chefeste
piller of the land she wholy relies [and places] all hir truste and confidence,
so as nothinge [may] passe eyther in parlament or conesell when [his Lordship]
likes or mislikes any thinge. And well [accommodating] him selfe to the tyme,
torninge of [everything to his gain] and commoditie, so, as I warrant [you,
he is not] without his sondry sorte of [devices and policies which; fo1. 380]
divers and sondry waies hee imployes, as one for papistes and other for protestantes
and the third for puritanes, emboldeninge the puritanes againste the bi[s]hopes,
tellinge them that there livinges makes them so [fat,] and then beinge greased
in hand by the bishopes tels them that the puritanes ar a sedisius kinde of
people and not to bee sofer[ed in a Ch]ristian common welth, animatinge the
one agai[nst] the other, soferinge the bishopes to comitt them to prison and
straight of his owne authoritie realesinge them againe, tellinge the puritanes
hee wilbe a meane to bringe reformation and dissipline in to the church, hee
beinge indede of no religion but that which bringes him in gaine and commodytie;
so as if dissipline and reformation be not brought in to the church afore hee
bringe the same in, it is never like to bee brought in att all; for he hath
learned of his master Machivell to make a use of all religions and to torne
them all to his owne commoditie. So as if they bee papistes, but esspetially
recusantes, then will his ministers be sure to informe againste them, and so
be brought within the compass of some statute whereby att the leaste all they
have shalbe forfet and they clapt upp in some prison or other, as the [Gate]house,
the Flette, the Clinke, or the Marshalsey, and [though] they might have disspended
five hundred [pounds yea]rly they count them selves happie if thereof [they
retain but] one, the reste as they say beinge [turned to the] Queenes use, [fo1.
380v] when God knowes the leste parte thereof come to hir cof[fers] by that
tyme each officer hath had his fee. And wh[ere before] was good hospitallitie
kepte and many a poore mann could [be] fed att there gates, now ar the same
w[ithout] sh[elter,] no relef at all or socker cominge from thence.
For [devices] I tell you
hee had of great cunninge, in that yerely [he] disspendes so much as hee [exact]ed,
all to maintaine his [base and] filthy luxurie, for I tell [you he has] no ordinarie
[ointment in a] bottell all[so] that costes [more than ten] pound a pinte,
to provocke him to fillthy luxury.35 Well may th[e
men of the] Forestes of Deane and of Wier [or Wye?] complaine of [his] extreme
excess in the same, for out of them to [maintain and] uphould the sinne and
to borne and consume in h[is lusts, not in hearths] nor in milles in those quarters,
hee hath had [more] tall and sturdy stronge okes then wold have [served to build]
a right good navie to have served the gre[atest prince] in Cristendome, they
yeldinge him each day [more than X] pound sturlinge. And yet in respecte
of his [other licenses] that continully bringe him in coyne and [ready money,
the] same is to be accounted as no thinge. So [as through] the esteme and pride
thereof, as also [by the great] countenance of hir Majestie, he is [almost so
overcome with] selfe love of him selfe, as even [in his drinking and] belly
chere hee stickes not [to mock at the] misery [of] him who by birth a[nd right
is greatly his better, and to; fol. 381] whose predicessor hee had bine so much
beholdinge even for the savinge of his wreached life.36
For not longe since sittinge att a bench [he] consorted with such as fitted
his fitted his humor, and fallinge in to greate deversitie of talke, as in such
company there seldome or never wants, the chefeste was of the [.. .]tie [and]
crestes that divers of the nobillitie gave, some [com]mendinge this manns and
some that mannes, when hee, seminge to be ignorante in that which hee knew too
well, like god Backus out of his cuppes of wine demandes what was the Earle
of Arundels creste, when preasently one of his knaves makes answere, and it
like your Lordship, the rampinge horse. Haugh, haugh, quoth hee with an envius
laughther, not much unlike, for as the horse that is wild and untamed will sofor
no mann to mounte or tame him, but kicke and flinge, soferinge no man to come
nighe him, but ready to lepp upp on every others backe, so the same horse beinge
taken and tamed [and u]sed a while to the snaffell, bitt, or [bridle] becomes
in short tyme so gentill [and trac]table that any manne whosoever [he be may]
sitt him and ride hime, [fol. 381v] whome afore for his fercnes none durste
lay h[and] on for feare of danger, hurte, or spoylinge. [Thus mock]inge the
noble mann in his miseries [to wh]ose predicessor hee was so much beholding.37
But to such pride [and
dishon]esty is [he] growne that to thinke [thereof] is in a ma[nner] intollerable,
for accordinge to Machivels rule and order for his owne pleasure, profitt, and
comoditie hee will not sticke to spoile and undoe five hundred pure people if
occati[on] serve. As by his dealinges moste p[lainly] appered not longe since
with the poor Denbyshire menn, of which cuntry [his little] sone and heire was
lorde, for [to build for] him selfe parkes and places of [pleasure] he pulles
downe whole townes, far[ms, and] villages, some of theme having [passed] in
the same from the father to [the son since] longe afore the conqueste. [But
such was] the gredy appetite and [avarice of the man, his] ambisius and incrochinge
[humour, that he thrust them] forth of there living[s together with their] wifes
and there ch[ildren, who must seek; fol. 382] habitations in the woodes and
mountaines, for from him there was smale sucker or comforte to be looke[d]
for, for that hee that could finde in his harte to thruste them forth of there
livinges could in like mannor they knew finde in his stony harte they should
there have perished and [been] utterly consumed; and feelinge the penury
and gre[at] mysery that by his merciles dealinge was fallen uppon them, there
poore wifes and littell infantes, [they] determined with them selves to seke
redress with as much sped as possibly they might. And so the beste of them,
consultinge together, determine to make there humble supplication to hir Majesty
and the whole counsell for redress in such a manefeste wronge, which hee like
a crafty wreach misdoubtinge, so provided againste there cominge that whene
they came here there sute was could, and wheereas they hoped for redresse of
there [wrong] and great injury profered to them [and thei]re wifes and children,
neyther [themselves nor] there peticion might once be [admitted to] come within
hir Majesties sighte, [fol. 382v] or once so much as to the counsell table,
but with many reprochfull speches and contumelius outbraides the moste of them
[are] clapte upp for the presumsion in prison, the reste sent home with heavie
hartes to be [witness of] there neighbors ill suckcess.38
But the the [good] Lord lookinge in to [this] inhumaine crue[lty] of his and
with wh[at heart]less sorte h[e had] dealt with thease pore people, even [in]
his hieste pompe and in his chefeste glory tooke a waie from him all his ho[pe]
of posteritie, his sone and heire the yonge Earle of Denbigh, who shoulde hee
have lived for to have proved so vil[e an] atheste as his father all England
had [not] bine en[ou]gh for them both.39 But the
[Lord] knoinge that from a good tree oft [comes] bad frute, but that from a
bad tr[ee never] comes good frute, toke him a w[ai]e [for] Englandes good, as
wee hope in his [goodness] hee will do the father a fore [his] devises take
there effecte [and the] danger should growe to [success,] which the Lord graunte
[of his mercy for Christ's] sake and discover [all of Leicester's devices to]
the world and pro[vide for the frustration; fol. 383] of the wicked wreach all
his wicked devises, driftes, and practices. For hee is now growne to that hed
stronge presumption and bouldnes, that presuminge so much uppon hir Majestie
that hee scornes his inferiors, out countenances his equales, and abuses his
betters, impatient of the leste injury prese[nte]d to him selfe and yet abusinge
and wronginge of all others.
As not long since hee profered
no smale abuse unto the noble Earle of Sussex, who not induringe so carped a
knight as hee should in so highe a presence offer him disgrace challenged him
for the same in to the feld, which for his credites sake he semed to accepte
and promised of his honor to mete him there, all thoughe he never meante the
same, and yet makes a show of great preperation, makinge the noble mann dance
a whole daies [a]ttendance for him that never meante to come [to] him uppon
Blacke Heath with all his men, [hav]ing privile accquainted hir Majestie with
[the] whole matter, who preasantly sent a [straig]ht comande that uppon paine
[of her high] displeasure and indignation [fol. 383v] the one of them once to
meadell with the other but to refer it to hir selfe and the counsell, whose
comand was to the noble earle as a lawe, who desired nothinge [so] much in this
world as to have had but [one] bout with the meacocke,40
to have geaven him but one knocke for all the great [insults] profered to him
selfe and the rest of the nobillitie. But his Lordship knew [it] was goo[d]
slepinge in a whole skine and that [if] he had once come there it had bine a
h[ard] matter to have come safe home againe, and therefore made such meanes
as hir [Majesty] and the counsell tooke upp the matter, [and so] they were mad
a coople of holloe ffrendes.41
And yet it wa[s] not lon[g
ere] hee profered the like abuse to one [of the] chefeste peeres of the realm,
[and being] in like sorte of him challenged [to the field] promised of his honnor
to mete h[im there,] but meante in dede to have [murdered him] afore hee came,
and to th[at end he] hired one with a musked [to shoot] him as hee should hav[e
come to the] place appoynted, bu[t this man disdaining that; fol. 384] the noble
man should be so shamfully murthered by his good meanes made the same knowne
unto him, who charginge his Lordshipe with this treacherus dealinge hee with
many execrations and store of othes utterly denied that by him or any meanes
of his any such treacherus facte was intended, and that seinge there quarrell
was of no great moment that for the same the one of them should seke the spoile
of the other, wished for his parte an ende of the same and that they might be
lovers and frendes as erste afore tyme they had bine, which the noble mann seinge,
and knowinge that it was not possible to effect what hee wished duringe the
great continuance of hir Majesties favor, shooke handes with his Lordship and
so became ffrendes, for well he knew that there was [no] open standinge againste
him, for that his [au]thoritie daylie increased and such rule [and] sw[ai]e
in the corte he bare as no [man] but hee was in any favor.42
And [not] long since for
his sawsie presumption [fol. 384v] hee was as rightly served as mought bee.
For hir Majestie beinge abroad in progress and ready to desende forth of hir
chariot, he presumptuusly offers to take hir forth of the [same,] which hee
to whome the same of dutie belonged seinge, not able to indure his [in]tollerable
arrogansie, tooke him a so[und] box on the eare, biddinge [him take] hir Ma[jesty's]
stedes forth of there traces and hie him with them to the stable, for that more
f[itly] apertainde unto him then so malepertly to [lay] handes on hir person.43
Which disgrace hee was faine to pockett upp, threateninge revenge to him that
mad smale acco[unt] thereof, who rather had thruste his [knife] to his ribes
then his fiste to his [ear,] had not the rigor of the law w[ithheld] him, in
regard of an ould grugd[e he had of] him. But the feare thereof with[held] him
from that which his hart [longed] to doe. And after warde it [was his sorry]
happ to fall in to to the [clutches of Leicester?] through his owne neclig[ence
and inattention,] out of which to helpe him [he had not one] sure frende of
him[self but . . .; fol. 385] if a hatfull enemy may be counted a frend.
And now by the waie lett
me a littell shewe you how hee rewardes them that have spente all they have
in his servis, mary, deales with them for the moste parte as men do with there
horses, who wile they ar stronge, lusty, and sirvishable feede them and cherish
them as men should doe, but when they wax lene, ould, and [un]profitable and
that there is no more servise to be had of them torne them to grase on an ould
dich banke or els take forty pence of the dogmaster for there scinne. And for
an instance of the like dealinge of his Lordship, I will sett you downe the
whole ma[nn]or thereof; allthough it will seme some what tedius unto you, yet
is it well woorth the notinge and markinge, and thereby one may judge of his
pestelente nature, which in mannor and forme folloinge insueth.
[There] was not longe since
dwellinge [in Yor]keshere a gentillman of [good estate] and caulinge which might
[spend; fol. 385v] of yearly reavenewes to the value of thr[ee] hundred poundes
att the leaste, which genti[ll]mann had a longinge desire to gett the whit beare
and raged stafe on [his] backe, thinkinge if once hee might [but] get that on
his sleve hee might [lord] it with the beste gentillmann or squ[ire in] the
country, and therefore made [all] the ffrendes that possible hee might [to]
effecte and bringe the same to pass. So after some frendes made and no smale
bribes bestowed this gentill man had what so much hee desired, which when hee
had obteyned, his state was sone [seen] both in his countenance and in his app[arel,]
for havinge occation to att[en]d in the [Court] and all waies to be in his lordes
pr[esence he] was faine to sute him selfe accordin[gly, and] where as a fore
a semly sute [would have] servde to have worne among [his friends and] honest
neybors, now no thinge [but] velvet and sattine wolde [serve him, with] his
chaine of goulde fold[ed twice] doble about his necke, [costly] bracletes aboute
his wr[ists, and rings on] every finger of h[is hand, and; fol. 386] with all
the reste of his appearell corespondent, so as if his three hundred pound had
bine three thousand a yeare it wold not have sufficed to have borne out his
prodigall expences, in so much as within for or five yeares expirance hee was
ronne so far in the marchantes bookes that hee hardly knew which waie to get
forth, for that hee ought more by five hundred pound then all that was lefte
wold make satisfaction, so as Cheapside, Poules, nor the Exchange were no walkinge
places, in so much that hee was driven to play lease in sight and walkt for
the moste parte as oules doe by night and that in such feare and timeritie that
every naile that cought hould of his sleve hee tooke for a sargante to carie
him to the Counter.44 And livinge in this lothsome
life, not knowinge how to remedie the same, [he] thought good to acquainte
his lord, with [good] cause, in what miserable state hee [lived,] hopinge for
that in his honnors [service] and [to] do him credit he had consumed [his pa]trimony
he wold nowe att this instant [stand his] good lord and rid him out of [fol.
386v] these trobles, and preasently put his determination in practise, so as
havinge gott excess unto his Lordship and to him made knowne his miserable state
w[ith] desire of his Lordshipes favora[ble mind, he] preasently receaved this
ansure of [his] Lordship, how that hee had well considered of his state and
that he was not altogether unmin[d]full of him, but that hee shoulde finde that
he wold stande his good lord. Mary, well you may thinke that it should not bee
for nought, for moste suttelly seinge to what desperat state he was br[ought]
and that for hope of rewarde hee [would] attempte any thinge, calls him [into]
his secret chamber and ther [talks] with him about his matters, tell[ing him]
that if his hart wold serve [him] to attempt a matter hee wold m[ention to]
him and therein bee both f[aithful and secret] hee should finde that hee w[ould
be a good] lord unto him, and that [when he had this] performed and done hee
[might] any thinge comaunde [of him and; fol. 387] hee should make full accompte.
And therewithall manifestinge the same unto him, which was no less then wilfull
murther, with some what in hand as good lucke to beegine withall and promisse
of mountains when the dede was finished, presently goes about to performe the
same, which ere it was longe moste wickedly hee effected. And beinge for the
same worthely apprehended, [he] was caste amongste other malefactors
in the goale [sic], from whence with all possible sped that may be hee
informes his Lordship of all that had happened and withall desires his honnor
to be mindfull of him, who preasently againe sendes woord by the same messenger
that he shold not nott nede to put him in mind for that of him selfe hee was
mindfull enough and that it stod so much uppon his honnor as that hee could
not forgett him if hee wold. But hee wilde him to be mery and feare nothinge,
and for that hee could not [stay] the corse of the law but that the [law] muste
nedes have his [. . .] [he should] not therefore doubt of any [fol. 387v] thinge,
and, as for death, not so much as a thought thereof should once troble him,
for that it was as far for [from] him as from his Lordship, and that
his pardon was alre[ady] sealed, and thereto hee bad him truste of his honnor.
And all though this ch[ee]red him somwhat, yett was it no smale greef unto him,
beinge a gentill mann of g[ood] birth, to bee arraind att an open sise. [But]
there was no other reamody, and sessio[n] beinge att hand hee amogste other[s]
was called to the barr and uppon his owne confession found guiltie, had se[n]tence
of death pronounste againste him, which he semed littell or nothinge to [fear,]
hopinge uppon that which was neve[r] to be sente him, in so much as when [the]
reste of the condemned prisoner[s] w[ere] prayinge unto God for forgivenes [of
their] sinnes, hee on the other side was [surfeiting] of wine and drinkinge
car[ouses to the] health of his lorde. But now the da[y of] execution beinge
come hee am[on]g [the] reste was conveied to the s[caffold, with time] passinge
awaie and h[e waiting; fol. 388] for that which was never meant to be sent him
and the executioner hasteninge to performe his office, and seinge how fowly
hee was deluded with the smale tyme of repenttance for his sinnes, with many
grevous exclamations on his Lordship as on the aughther of all his mishap, with
great penitensie ended his life. And to this great prefermente hee [Leicester]
prefered him after he had consumed all his patrimony in his servis and lastly
his life, who although he sofered worthely yet the blood both of him and the
other [will] be on day asked att his wicked handes. But twenty of these
devises hath hee to rid those out of the waie that may any waie discry any of
his wicked practices [a]nd devises.
And how hee disparges the
n[ob]le blud of the lande, witnes the match he made be twixte a meane knights
daughther and the noble Earle of Darbies sone and heire,45
and ann other as ill [or even] far worse be twixt the Lord [lost]
and a meane gentillwoman, [fol. 388v] which had like to have coste him hir Majesties
favor, but so could hee insinuate with hir grace that on him as on the chef[est]
pillar of the land she wholy relies and puts all hir truste and confidence,
w[here]as contrary wise, unless the Lorde of his mercie do bringe his treacherus
practices to light, hee is like to prove the only handsaw that shall hew the
maine p[illars] and postes a sunder and ruinate all [of] this noble land which
so long tyme ha[th] florished over all others, which the Lord for his sones
sake for bid, and discover him afore his devises take there effe[ct and] cutt
him of, that the may never take [effect.]
And thus accordinge to
my promisses [I have] sente the so much as I can well r[emember.] Till tyme
discover the reste of [his dealings,] be wise and carefull.
R.F. [or R.P.] .
D. C.
1. First published as The
Copie of a Leter, Wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambridge (Rouen?, 1584),
STC 19399, on which see Peck, 'Government Suppression
of Elizabethan Catholic Books: the Case of Leicester's Commonwealth,'
Library Quarterly, xlvii (1977), 163-77. A critical edition is in preparation
by myself and Dr. P. R. Roberts of Canterbury. [This book was published by the
Ohio University Press in 1985.]
2. See, for example, 'News
from Heaven and Hell; a Defamatory Narrative of the Earl of Leicester',
English Literary Renaissance, viii (1978), 141-58; Julius Briegerus's
Flores Calvinistici (1586): Rogers's Leicester's Ghost, ed. Franklin
B. Williams, R.E.T.S. IV (Chicago, 1972): Peck, 'Another
version of the Leicester Epitaphium', Notes and Queries, ccxxi (1976),
3. This note is bound with
the 'Letter' in the P.R.O.: '12 August 1869. My dear Mr. Green [calendarist
of the state papers], I do not know this to be in print in its present form,
although perhaps it may be so, but I would suggest that it is probably the earliest,
or one of the early forms of the libel which ultimately settled down under the
general title of Leicester's Commonwealth. It went through many stages and forms
both in manuscript and in print. Believe me Yours very sincerely, Jno Bruce.'
My recent study of over sixty manuscript versions of the Commonwealth
has shown all of them to be either copies of or extracts from the 1584 printed
4. Catholic Record Society,
xxi [1919], 57-66, chapter entitled 'Howard Traditions in Leicester's Commonwealth,
1584'. The extracts are those dealing with the fall of the Duke of Norfolk and
with the jest upon the Earl of Arundel's crest.
5. On the Literary Genetics
of Shakespere's Plays (Urbana, 1959), 185-98. The play is usually dated
ca. 1586.
6. Bowers, 'Kyd's Pedringano:
Sources and Parallels', Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature,
xiii (1931), 241 9; Leicester's Commonwealth, pp. 56-58.
7. Peck, 'An Alleged Early
Draft of "Leicester's Commonwealth",' Notes and Queries, ccxx
(1975), 295-6.
8. The tract itself is
found in the State Papers, 15/28/113, fols. 369-88v, stamped Conway Papers on
each page, abstracted in the Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Addenda,
1580-1625, pp. 136-8. The separated title page is at S.P. 12/175/101.
9. Sutton is the family
name of the ancient lords of Dudley, from which line Leicester's family claimed
10. An allusion to Leicester's
crest, the bear chained to a ragged staff.
11. The passage is obscure
and is based partly upon a conjectured positioning of a loose fragment of the
manuscript in this place; but the sense seems to be that Leicester (the bear),
having rendered Lord Burghley (traditionally, the fox) ineffectual, is now beyond
the control of the Queen (the lion).
12. For Midas and his ass
ears, see Ovid, Metamorphoses, XI (ll.194-216 in Golding's 1567 translation).
St. Michael's Mount is in Cornwall.
13. The birds are presumably
informants, and the seed, presumably, gold; the far west country may be the
Hesperides or the South American mines.
14. 'Deceitful strategems
and indecent practices', after Niccolo Machiavelli and the satirical poet Pietro
Aretino (1492-1556).
15. Leicester's father,
John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, executed on 22 August 1553.
16. There is no evidence
of Norfolk's having intervened for Dudley, though, since as a duke (after August
1554) he was premier among the Gentlemen of King Philip's Chamber, he may have
been able to do so. Dudley, under sentence of death since January 1554 for participation
in his father's rebellion, was pardoned and released in October 1554, and his
attainder was removed in March 1558.
17. Achitophel counselled
King David's son Absalom to sedition (II Samuel 15-17).
18. The 'boar' is presumably
(from his crest) the young Earl of Oxford; though in March he was working hard
to obtain a reprieve for Norfolk, there seems to be no evidence of his having
been dispatched abroad in June 1572.
19. Sentenced on 16 January
1572 for his intrigues with the agents of the captive Mary, Queen of Scots,
after several stays the Duke was executed on Tower Hill at 8 a.m., Monday, 2
June. This account, even to his shaking hands all around, accords very well
with contemporary reports (see N. Williams, Thomas Howard, Fourth Duke of
Norfolk, 1964. pp.253-4).
20. Thomas Percy (1528-72),
7th Earl of Northumberland; the space for the name has been left blank in the
MS. 'Hotspur' had been the epithet of the first Earl's son Henry Percy (1364-1403).
21. 'Surquedry': arrogance,.
22. Charles Neville (1543?-1601),
6th Earl of Westmoreland; the event alluded to is the Northern Rebellion of
1569 (2 years earlier than Norfolk's execution).
23. The date of Northumberland's
execution has been left blank. Westmoreland lived in exile until his death,
supporting himself by Spanish pensions, his impoverished condition frequently
cited as a warning to young English Catholics who contemplated going abroad
for conscience.
24. Dr. P. R. Roberts informs
me that he has found no evidence of any offices of these men so transferred
to Leicester.
25. Leicester's lady is
his first wife, Amy Robsart. 'Barseabe' (Bathsbeba) is Lettice Knollys, her
husband 'Urias' is Walter Devereux (1541?-76), first Earl of Essex (II Samuel
26. 'Fere': spouse.
27. 'Tables'; backgammon.
28. Amy Robsart, found
at the foot of the stairs at Cumnor in Berkshire on 8 September 1560; the coroner's
jury found a verdict of death by mischance, but modern opinion inclines either
to a consequence of cancer or, more plausibly, suicide. The assumption of Leicester's
complicity in murder was extremely widespread but apparently inaccurate. This
account treats the deaths of Amy and Essex as parts of a single plot; Leicester's
involvement with Lady Essex did not begin until 1565.
29. Essex held the title
of Earl Marshal but was never Lord Deputy of Ireland.
30. A courtier (like the
'carpet knight' below), not a soldier.
31. Essex died in Dublin
on 22 September 1576. Suspicion of Leicester's instigation of poisoning was
nearly universal, but it would seem more likely that he died of dysentery.
32. 'Glaives': lances or
33. Leicester married Lettice
Knollys (1540-1634), Countess of Essex, at Wanstead on 20 September 1578. The
Queen's hatred of the 'she-wolf' was common knowledge.
34. That is, he had them
at his beck.
35. Cf. Leicester's
Commonwealth, p. 39.
36. Philip Howard (1557-95),
Earl of Arundel, son of the Duke of Norfolk supposed to have interceded for
Dudley in former years, imprisoned in November 1583 as a consequence of the
Throgmorton Plot and again, never to reemerge, after trying to flee the realm
in April 1585.
37. In Leicester's Commonwealth
(pp. 167-8) the same jest is told of Leicester's father and Henry Fitzalan
(d. 1580), Earl of Arundel, Philip's maternal grandfather.
38. The barony of Denbigh
was bestowed upon Dudley in 1564; his exploitation of the region is described
by Penry Williams, The Council in the Marches of Wales under Elizabeth I
(Cardiff, 1958), 237-8.
39. Robert, Lord Denbigh
(not 'Earl of'), was born in 1578 or 1579 and died on 19 July 1584.
40. 'Meacock': coward,
effeminate weakling.
41. Thomas Radcliffe (1526?-83),
third Earl of Sussex, Leicester's chief opponent on the Council. The incident
described is probably 'the disaster fallen out yesterday betwixt two great planets'
on 12 July 1581, in which the Queen commanded the two earls to keep to their
chambers to prevent violence (Hatton Memoirs, p. 177; S.P. 12/149/67-69). Black
Heath, a field near Greenwich Palace.
42. This may refer to the
alleged attempt by the Leicestrian courtier William Killigrew (d. 1622) to shoot
Thomas Butler (1532-1614), the Earl of Ormonde, with a caliver in about 1565.
Cf. Leicester's Commonwealth, pp. 44-45.
43. This anecdote is similar
to Naunton's tale of how Leicester was outfaced by one Bowyer, a Gentleman of
the Black Rod; Fragmenta Regalia (ed. 1641), p. 6. Caring for the steeds more
fitly appertained because Leicester held the office of Master of the Horse.
44. St. Paul's, the Royal
Exchange, etc., were places of idle congregation; he feared arrest for debt
and commitment to the Counter or Compter, debtor's prison, should he be seen
45. Ferdinando Stanley,
Lord Strange (Earl of Derby in 1593; d. 1594), married in about 1579 Alice (d.
1637), daughter of Sir John Spencer of Althorp and later the wife of Lord Chancellor
Egerton. Leicester's involvement is unconfirmed.
do not reproduce this text in any form for commercial purposes. Further historical
references can be found in D. C. Peck, Leicester's Commonwealth: The Copy
of a Letter Written by a Master of Art of Cambridge (1584) and Related Documents
(Athens: Ohio University Press, 1985). Feedback and suggestions are welcome,
. First
published in Oxford's Notes and Queries, 1981, posted on this site 5
March 2004.