Dwight Peck's personal website
Tendre, 2001-2002
Jura's answer to the Alps
Tendre, one of only a few mountains in the southwestern Jura that sticks up above
treeline, is, in its own way, special. 
Pre-digital photos

Along the wind-scoured
ridgeline in March or April 2001. When the wind sweeps off the North Atlantic
over the northwest coast of France, Mont Tendre is the first sizable object it
finds in its way.

decorative shrub on the Mont Tendre ridgeline, March 2001.

collapsed cornice along the southwest approach to the summit, February 2001.

A passerby seeking
a decent place for a cup of coffee, February 2001.

cornices on the ridgeline just southwest of the Mont Tendre summit, March 2001.

A small party of hikers
making its way up the cornices just southwest of Mont Tendre, late in the day,
March 2001.

A few more cornices,
just where the broken cliffs that run all along the front side of the Mont Tendre
ridgeline descend into the forest, April 2001.

Mr Peck views a row
of crude snowcaves abandoned by a hardy group of highschool campers the previous
weekend, March 2000.

forgetting to look about for any loose change that may have fallen out of someone's

Mr Chamois,
surprised late in the day near the Druchaux farm on the approach to Mont Tendre,
saunters off to dinner in the nearby Creux d'Enfer, oblivious to hidden hikers.

ole chamois, oblivious to our grinning head poked up over a cliff on the approach
to Mont Tendre, saunters by at 20 meters distance.


Tendre trailhead, depending upon how far one can get one's car up the Route des
Montagnes on the ice.

Tendre in bleak and windblown mode, January 2002.

March 2002: Mr J. J. Pirri, of J. J. Pirri fame, inspects some of the more interesting
features of Mont Tendre on a grey late afternoon.

narrator, on 30 March 2002, inspects army droppings along the front of Mont Tendre.
Neatly gathered into little piles of shrapnel by the young soldiers before they
went on home to German Switzerland.

in the gulleys.

Pirri has never refused a meal.
And here is a grab-bag of other stuff.

and Marlowe Peck hanging onto the summit pylon on a windy, rainy day in June 2000.

Icy fenceposts
in spring 2000.

Pirri emulating a tree, spring 2002.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 2 January 2002, revised 25 June 2012, 4 February 2014.