Dwight Peck's personal website
of the Jura
Winter Sport for all members of the family (except the small ones)
few more holes in Spring 2002

casually home from the Crêt de la Neuve in the Swiss Jura, 6 April 2002,
the narrator almost went southward in a hurry.

Pirri, descending from Mont Tendre directly down the centre of the
Creux d'Enfer of Druchaux, 30 March 2002 {don't ask why},
comes across a barbed wire fence surrounding
a Jura-hole bigger than Albania and deftly slips under it for a closer look.

A couple
of hundred meters further on, here's another! Our search for big holes is
beginning to pay off. This one has a jury-rigged rappel-anchor across it, a helping-hand
so to speak for those who want to get a much closer look.

a 31 March 2002 photo of the snowfree forest just below the Perroude
du Vaud. One strolls along casually, reflecting in a desultory fashion
on the depths to which civilization, and WAIT! What's that
in front of us?

there's a Swiss Jura limestone hole and a half. In fact, this forest
glade has got one of the finest assemblages of heart-chilling holes into deep
nowhere to be seen anywhere in the local forests. [see

grief, if they're going to keep making their leaf-covered forest floors like that,
we ought to vote the other party in, whatever it
is. Where, for Bog's sake, could you safely picnic? That's not an idle question.
You could reach round behind you for your tomato and mozarella sandwich with virgin
olive oil and find that it's NOT THERE! Nor are the kids!

not all Jura limestone holes are vertical. Here's a horizontal one, not far from
the "Bassine turndown", the top of the paved road leading up from the
village of Bassins towards the communal farm at Le Bassine (1265m).

looks so cosy!! . . . it almost makes you wish you were one of those Neolithic
chappies, with the game hunting and cave-dwelling and all, never even having heard
of Microsoft or Ashcroft!! until you look about you and . . .

that this large bit of limestone ceiling would have whacked you on your Neolithic
head even harder than Ashcroft and Rumsfeld ever could in their most colorful
de série holes, 2002
search for limestone holes in winter 2001-2002 was over, but Dr Pirri could not
be got to stop. So here are just a few more snowless entries in the Grand Catalogue
of Holes.

down there? If you can hear me, throw up your wallet.

Whenever Dr Pirri discovers new very deep limestone holes and chimneys, his photographer
prays that he'll throw those USA suspenders right on down there amongst the rumsfeldian
trolls and ashcroftian gnomes where they belong.

Prof Pirri has found a big one. 
Near the farm of Petit Cunay

holes in 2003
they're still there, and here are some new ones
serious preliminary cataloging of Jura holes took place in 2001 and 2002, but
bad habits linger on and there's no shortage of new limestone holes and chimneys
in the Jura to keep folks on their toes.

stoutly up from Grand Fuëy towards Mont-de-Bière Devant through the
forest, 16 February 2003, Dr Pirri comes across a nice big limestone
hole typical of this part of the Jura.
he scampers round to have a closer look into its tenebrous depths. It strikes
a chord with him and leads him to contemplate the fragility of things, and their
meaning, and their costs, and their molecular structure, until his head begins
to hurt, and he decides to continue his hike in the forest.
Pirri turns away from profundity (left), again, and then encounters a new and
unsuspected profundity of his own not far away.
Pirri, struggling to become more shallow, nonetheless becomes more and more profound.

nearly disappears into his profundity.
wait . . . Dr Pirri succeeds in re-establishing shallowness and joins his hiking
companion for the rest of the hike, bantering about in a lively manner about movies
and statesmen and other happily less profound subjects.

A lovely
forest glade, 23 February 2003, not far from the hut at Pierre d'Ecusson above
Le Brassus, with an ominous shadow in the middle of it.

than an ominous shadow, it's a great whacking chimney into the bowels of the earth.

Peck peers into a big hole near Cunay, 2 March 2003.

As Dr
Pirri wields the camera in anticipation of some humorous catastrophe, Dr Peck
peers into a gigantic fissure in the forest . . .

. . and departs, disappointed.

As always in these parts, we're mindful of the sneaky presence of small, medium, and sometimes big holes in the washed-out limestone terrain, and we collect photos of them when convenient, like now.

This specimens are in the forest above La St-George, 3 March 2003

Mind the step.

A little ankle-snapper

3 March 2003

15 March 2003

reason why Jura holes can be problematic in winter -- here's one between Cunay
and the SAC Cabane in May 2003, neatly covered with just enough brush to support
the snow but not you.
and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative, .
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 10 May 2002, revised 18 July 2008, 18 September 2014, 13 January 2020.