Dwight Peck's personal website
Corsica in the Off Season, 2007
Corsica, the grudgingly-French island off the coast
of Italy. We're catching the off-season rates, late November and
early December 2007.
You may not find this terribly rewarding unless you're included
here, so this is a good time for casual and random browsers to turn
back before they get too caught up in the sweep and majesty of the
proceedings and can't let go.
Porto Vecchio and the ferry home

A last morning walk around the streets of Bastia,
1 December 2007, trying to remember where we left the Kangoo.

And after a short drive south, we're in Porto Vecchio
in the southeast.

From the Porto Vecchio old town on the hill, we're
gazing down upon the port and, especially, Our Ferry, no doubt loading
on fuel and lots of safety equipment and dinnertime goodies.

Porto Vecchio, up in the old town, is a charming
(the surrounding areas, with traffic and automobile lots and gardening
centres and centres commerciales, could as well be in Omaha or Little
Rock. But without all the gun shops).

A venerable salt industry out on those nearby salt

In the remaining parts of the citadel and ramparts,
here's a Christmas artisan fair.

Kristin has got a Christmas question for Santa,
but he's taking an important call on his cell phone at the moment.

By the time Jolly Old Santa has got off the phone,
Kristin has taken her question to someone else. It's an herbal question,
so Santa may not have been much help anyway.

Europeans try to put their fortifications to better
uses, these days.

Porto Vecchio citadel. Now we need to return our
good old Kangoo to his real owners.

The Europcar dropoff is conveniently located in
the tourist information complex at the centre of the yachting port.
In summer. In the off season, Europcar retreats to its auxiliary
lot out on the highway. But it's a nice day, so we've made a misty-eyed
farewell to Old Kangoo out near the bypass and we're trudging back
into the port area, with plenty of time before sailing.

In fact, there's our boat across the bay, still
loading up on dinnertime goodies. Like Pietra, the chestnut beer!

Our ferry this time is the Mont
d'Oro, named after one of Corsica's highest mountains, looming over
Vizzavona. Not a high mountain (mere inches higher than Leysin's
Tour d'Aï), but Corsica's fourth highest, and very beautiful.

Colorful boats in the afternoon

The upper town of Porto Vecchio from the port

Our hike up Mont d'Oro will soon begin.

Fine lakes just behind the coast line

The view adjacent to the port area.

This ferry was pointed out to us as very much cheaper
than the Mont d'Oro, but there was no one around to talk to about
changing our tickets. So they lost our business.

So it's All Aboard! for the Mont d'Oro.

In the cabin, first things first: check out the

Leaving Porto Vecchio at nightfall, and heading
for Marseille. Where the 10-euros-a-day carpark near the port was
still developing a new business plan and, at 8 a.m. on a Sunday,
they just opened the gates for us for free and wrote off the lost
income as part of the present global financial crisis.
And so now, on the way home, we're bound for . . .

ORANGE. In the Roman theatre,
this is Europe's only standing Roman theatre stage wall, with Emperor
Somebodius in the niche. More on that here.

Base map: http://z.about.com/d/goeurope/1/0/g/Y/corsica-transportation.gif

Feedback and suggestions are welcome if positive, resented if negative,
All rights reserved, all wrongs avenged. Posted 26 December 2007,
revised 16 June 2012.